Roaming cat reunited with owner following call to RSPCA
A beautiful Burmese cat has been reunited with her owner in North London three weeks after going missing, when the RSPCA were able to trace the pet’s owners via her microchip.
Tia had been seen hanging around on a patio not far from her home in Park View Road, Neasden.
The homeowners called the animal welfare charity on August 29 as they believed she was underweight and injured. RSPCA animal rescue officer (ARO) Philip Heyes attended the address to find a perfectly healthy cat, who thankfully did have her details registered on her microchip, so he was able to take the cat back to her home.
Philip said: “She was actually only about 100 metres from home, hanging out at a property nearby. This is an excellent example of why cats should be microchipped, and why owners should check all their details are up-to-date. You can’t stop a cat from roaming but you can get them home if their details are correct!
“Tia’s owners are delighted that she’s back home, and she’s been reunited with her mum who lives at the same property”.
Tia’s owner Sara Laub said: “I can’t stress how important microchipping is. There are other measures you can take, but having a microchip means if she is found you have got a recourse to be reunited and that’s incredibly important.
“It was such a relief to see her again, particularly for my daughter, Evie, 12, (pictured with Tia) who has a close bond with her. Tia sleeps on her bed every night. Evie was immensely upset at her not being here, it was an exciting and special moment when Phil from the RSPCA brought her home.
“It is all down to Phil’s professionalism. He found a perfectly healthy cat and took the time and trouble to check she was missing, rather than just walking away. We are very grateful”.
Under the legislation, which was announced in March this year, from 10 June 2024 it will be a legal requirement to microchip pet cats once they reach 20 weeks of age. Owners will also be required to keep their contact details up-to-date on a pet microchipping database.
Owners found not to have microchipped their cat will have 21 days to get one implanted or may face a fine of up to £500.
However, data from a survey carried out by the animal welfare charity in May of this year showed that almost half (47%) of adults in England were not aware of the new cat microchipping law.
Microchipping is a very easy and painless procedure that involves a tiny microchip being quickly and simply inserted under the animal’s skin and this then gives the pet their own unique code. The microchip can be scanned and matched to the owner’s contact details which are kept on a database. The RSPCA believes the optimum time to microchip a cat is when they are neutered as a kitten at around four-months-old and under anaesthetic.
If an owner moves house or changes their telephone number they must also make sure that they tell the database they are registered with so that they have up-to-date contact details. If the information on that database is old and out-of-date then the chip is useless. Telling your vet does not automatically update the details on the database, but this is something owners can do themselves online.
Whilst the RSPCA is thrilled to see cat microchipping laws being introduced in England, the charity is also hopeful that the Welsh Government will act and introduce compulsory microchipping for cats in Wales too.
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