Purrsday Poetry – When the Primal Hunting Instinct was Too Strong to Resist, and My Mouse Ended Up Dead

When the Primal Hunting Instinct was Too Strong to Resist, and My Mouse Ended Up Dead

by KiWi from http://www.poetryandpastry.wordpress.com

Your pink nose lifted in the air,

Your broad eyes glint (re-catching light).

A shudder ripples through your hair –

You smell him! (It is late at night)

Curious, as is a feline’s won’t,

You pad along the cool, soft couch.

Seeking the earthly, tempting scent,

You peer down; you stoop; you crouch.

You spied him helpless. (Or so I saw,

Though truly you felt little pity)

You extended a hooked, wondering paw

In the fascinated way of kitties.

The rest, I guess, is history;

Back to my bed the Guilty slinked.

You curled and purred right next to me.

How can I blame you for your instinct?

For cats must do what cats must do,

And the rats must run away.

I cannot be grieved for your design,

But only for twisted DNA.

[Original poem by KiWi from http://www.poetryandpastry.wordpress.com]

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