Mactavish & Freya: Time for a Game of Tug of War with the Sisal Cat Toy!

Hi everyone,

It’s me wee Mactavish here today with our new Sisal Cat Toy by 4cats! These toys are lovingly handmade in Germany and filled with either wonderful meowsical catnip or valerian! 😀

Mactavish: Unfortunately as you can see… they do attract your siblings quickly!!!

Freya: But it has two ends… surely it’s designed to be played with together!

Mactavish: But this is mine!!!

Freya: Oh come on…

Freya: *Looking cute*

Mactavish: Fine…

Freya: Look this is so much fun!

Mactavish: Ok… you are right it is more fun to play together. 😀

Freya: And now it’s mine! 😀

Rennie: Guys… it’s my turn now!!!

Rennie: I got it! 😀 And now if you all would like to make your feline friend happy, why not get them one of these sisal cat toys from our blog shop. There is also a full range of other fabulous designs in the 4cats range. Or grab yourself a regular mystery box containing a variety of toys!


Click to visit our Shop for the hassle-free Zen Clippers!

4cats Sisalcat – Catnip or Valerian cat toy

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