Mews on Awards and Nominations!

Hi everyone,

It’s Oliver here with some super amazing pawesome news! My siblings and I (thanks to the help of our humans of course) have once again made it on the top spot on the Vuelio’s Top 10 UK pet blog list for 2022! This is for a SIXTH year running! 😀

Sister Nubia of course had to immediately go onto her catputer and check how Vuelio works and why this is so important to us!

Nubia: Of course I did! 😛

So who are Vuelio? They are one of the leading Media Databases that makes it easy for PRs to find Bloggers and Journalists like our humans.

How did they rate the blogs? “Vuelio has a proprietary algorithm that calculates a blog’s social media index across a number of key factors and then their team of researchers further accesses these results to come up with their Top 10 Blogger list for each area. Hence why it’s so important for us that we were listed not just in the list but as 😀

Oliver: Missed our Blogger Spotlight from a previous award? Definitelty have a read!

Renegade: So don’t forget to check out the other fabulous blogs on the Top 10 uk pet blog list!

Oliver: And lastly we would like to once again ask for anyone that has a guest story or photos to be used in one of our community posts to send these in via email. 😀

Signed by,

His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace

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