“I’m meowditating. I won’t be disturbed.
Purrrrr fang mew omni nom…..repeat….
Purrrrr fang mew omni nom …kneed feet….
Now hush ! No vacuum ! I won’t be disturbed.
That exercise class went so well last night.
I led her furry tiny tigers so
Through all their paces: swift and soft and slow
Those whirling fuzzballs through each wild delight.
I learned them all their lessons, even more:
They now know to paw open every door
And how to swat and bat paw and explore
And heap up toilet paper on the floor.
Such meowgical meowgnificence! They herd
Throughout the midnight hours and they bring
Me toys and socks and pens and everything,
Announcing every pounce with purring word.
Now I’m exhausted. I could use some rest.
They’re nursing now and I can snooze for hours.
I’ve spent the night purrfecting feline powers
In her royal clowder. Dogo, they’re the best!”
Author notes
This lovely photograph is courtesy of Pinterest. No attempt was made to gain financially from this photograph.
An attempt was made to keep to the purrnunciation and spelling of the Standard North American Feline Dialect, according to the rules of the Sacred Mews in Heaven Himself, Blaze Achew Panda-monium. An exception was made for the word clowder. Across the pond we call it a litter of kittens.
Copyright 2021 © Anissa Nedzel Gage, All rights reserved
Cats rule the world: these words are true truth <3
indeed they do! Meowwwww. Purrrrrrr =^^=