Hi everyone,
Please find below our latest entry in the Purrsday Poetry series by James Purslow. Don’t forget if you have a cat poem you’d like to publish on our Blog do send us an email to info@katzenworld.co.uk. 🙂
Edith and Honey by James Purslow
Honey likes children, when they’re quiet as a mouse,
Honey likes children when they’re not in the house.
Edith love cats, she really wants to cuddle
She can never get quite close enough, it leaves her in a muddle.
Honey sees a child and hides under the bed
Or maybe in a cupboard, that’s what her uncle said.
Edith was really patient and looked all day long.
But Honey kept on hiding she just kept on and on.
It’s almost Edith’s bed time and honey’s not yet appeared,
Edith thinks she’s missed her chance, it’s just as she feared.
Perhaps Honey doesn’t like her? She really hoped she did.
She decided to look no more, where the cat was hid.
Now it was her bedtime and she was very sleepy.
She closed her eyes and drifted off, but what was really sneaky
Honey the cat, was slumbering and snoozing under the bed
She climbed right up, onto the pillow and settled by Edith’s head.
First thing in the morning, Edith woke to a surprise,
She could see right next to her, honey’s big wide eyes.
Honey even let her stroke her, and tickle under her chin
They stayed like this for ages, until her mum came in.
Now Edith’s learned a lesson, if she wants a cat sat on her lap,
it’s to stay quite still, settle down and pretend to take a nap
Originally posted here.
What a sweet – and true – poem !
sweet poem.
What a wonderful poem!