Renegade: Feline fun in the Grand Cat Tower With my Rustling Cushion

Hi everyone,

It’s me Renegade here today and at last my humans have let me loose on one of the 4cats toys again!

You are wondering which one it is today? It’s the fantastic Rustling Cushion which comes in either Catnip or Valerian filling. 😀

So far my siblings haven’t spotted what I got, so I can go all out and play with all paws out on my cushion! 😀

Wait… where did the cushion go, wasn’t it on my chest a moment ago? Oh it’s right here. ;o

Time for my upside-down catfish style kick!

Gotcha right where I want ya oh wonderful cushion!

After all this fun, I am rather sleepy now…

Yes, it’s definitely time for a nap… did I mention that I had one with valerian filling? After the high-intensity catnip like effect us felines are most often more calm and relaxed after our playtime than with catnip toys!

But before I am off to my nap… don’t forget to tell your humans to get you one of these rustling cushions!

Signed by,

His Meowjesty Prince Renegade the Grand Cat Toy Connoisseur


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