Tested exclusively on cats by Anita Kelsey
I am very lucky that I work with cats everyday! All sorts of breeds, temperaments, ages and sizes! Perfect then to try out various cat products for cat product companies.
On this note; meet the wonderful cat toy company called 4cats. Those toys are available in the Katzenworld Blog Shop.
I was sent a huge variety of valerian cat toys to try out on my furry clients which was really exciting for me. All shapes and size cat teaser toys filled with Valerian from fried eggs to large fat sausage shaped valerian kickers.
First of all. What is Valerian you may well ask?
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) has tiny, sweet smelling flowers that grow in bunches, and jagged leaves. But it’s not the flower or the leaves that get cats excited: it’s the root. Like Catnip, smelling valerian root sends cats into a euphoric frenzy. And like catnip, no one knows exactly why! More information is written about here.
Like Catnip, Valerian is safe for cats although, from a human point of view, can be rather stinky. Think old socks :-)… However, our cats love the smell so, I’m afraid, that is that!
I’m still trying the toys out on cat grooms and cat behaviour consultations but so far the results have been brilliant. All catties have given a high five paw as you can see from the You Tube videos below.
From a human point of view the toys are very well made, colourful, fun and easily stored away. The only downside is that Valerian is slightly stinky but this can easily be overcome! Stop smelling it and give it to your cats to smell instead 😉
From a cat’s point of view. The toys are easy to batt, toss, lick, kick and rub on. They come in different textures and are fun, simple, safe toys to leave around the home. The smell of the Valerian seems to last longer than catnip too which is great value for money. Like Catnip, it gives a little high for your cat to kick back and let their fur down.
Not all cats react to Valerian or Catnip but most do so great toys for xmas.
I especially like the Cat Wrestler toy which came in very handy on my grooms with some of the larger breeds; Maine Coons, Norwegian Forest and Siberians. However, as you can see from the photo below, every cat likes to have a fun kicking session and it’s great that the kicking doesn’t end up on our arms, hands or feet!!
So, to the 4cats company I give 5 out of stars! Great product, especially coming up to xmas. Get buying folks!!!
To purchase some of the toys check out my specially curated list of toys on the Katzenworld Shop:
For more information visit their website on: 4cats.de .
Anita Kelsey holds a first class honours degree in Feline Behaviour and Psychology (work based BA Hons) and runs a vet referral service dedicated strictly to the diagnosis and treatment of behaviour problems in cats. She is also a qualified cat groomer and specialises in grooming aggressive or phobic cats. Anita writes for Your Cat Magazine and is on their experts panel answering readers questions on cat grooming. She also advises on feline behaviour for the CFBA (Canine and Feline Behaviour) magazine as well as being a full member. Anita, a strong advocate of a vegan lifestyle, is based in Notting Hill, London but consults all over the UK as well as international requests. She lives with her husband, a music producer, and two Norwegian Forest cats, Kiki and Zaza.
Her debut booked, pictured left, is published by John Blake and is called Claws, Confessions Of A Cat Groomer.
Available from Amazon and all good book shops. Click here for an Etsy author signed copy with your message.
Visit our Shop for top-quality cat toys and cat lover products!
That cat’s little paw! “Mine.”
We love them! Mew!