Hi everyone,
It’s Nubia. 😀 Some of you may remember my introduction of the Wonderland collection collar a few years ago. Well today I’ve just got to do an extra special on the TOYS. And they are not just great fun but tasty as well *dribbles all over keyboard*
Oliver: Tasty??? Hold on a sec… YOU DRIBBLED ALL OVER THE TOY I PLAYED WITH?
Nubia: Possibly…
Oliver: Yuck!!!! Toys are to play with not slobber over, you are not a dog! 🙁
Nubia: You are distracting me from my important speech about the toys… So back on track!
Nubia: Cheshire & Wain have many great catnip toys available. But today’s once are even more special as they are all inspired by Lewis Carroll’s timeless tale. 😀
Nubia: I wanna play with this. 😀 It smells nice.
Nubia: WHAT! Why have you taken away my catnip pillow. Give it back. :'(
Nubia: YES this is what I want <3
Oliver: *pushes in* You already got the collar this is mine!
Oliver: *Tackles sister out of the way*
Nubia: So mean!! But fine have a go….
Oliver: Come here little cat toy!
Oliver: *Pierces toy* Little did you know that I am also known as The Wolverine!
Nubia: But he is not a Feline…
Oliver: He has got sharp claws though D:
Oliver: *Licks toy* Hmmm…. maybe she is right it does taste kind of nice
Oliver: Oops… there it goes! Oh well more fun later. 😀
Nubia: NO. It’s mine now!!!! *slobbers all over toy*
Nubia: Each toy is lovingly handmade from great quality material and organic catnip *drools*
If you’d like one of the Cheshire cat toys yourself you can find these here (UK) and here. (US)
More about Cheshire & Wain London below:
Meet Mr Peter Wells, or Percy for short: he’s the silver-spotted British Shorthair that inspired the start of Cheshire & Wain back in in 2012. When Sonja started shopping for the necessary cat product paraphernalia to welcome Percy into his new home, she found that she was often disappointed by the quality and aesthetic of what was available. Her main frustration was trying to find high quality, leather cat collars which are also safe for the cat to wear. All the leather collars that she came across had elastic instead of the breakaway catch that’s recommended by vets – she wanted to change that!
Signed by,
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Destroyer of Peace
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Visit our Shop for Lisa Parker merchandise!
Marc,O my goodness Oliver and Nubia are just so cute and that one with the catnip toy. I love their little skits it is just so funny it literally makes my day , Kristen
Awwwwww aren’t they having a pawsome time.x???