The Katzenworld Cats: A Lip-smacking Delicious Dinner Choice!

Hi everyone,

Nubia: For once I’ve managed to get first dibs on the food today! And even better Oliver and I even managed to sneak the first stage of the review in while Freya & Rennie were taking a cat nap break. 😉


Today our humans have brought us a bag of Almo Nature Alternative dry food which is made of Sturgeon. Are you as curious as myself what Sturgeon looks like? And no we don’t mean a certain Scottish person. 😉

Nubia: Now if only the humans would be just a little faster at filling up my bowl… at this rate my brother…


Oliver: *Sniff sniff* Did I hear the sound of delicious crunches?!?


Nubia: Oh for meowing out loud… the humans were too slow!!! I was here first brother!!!!

Oliver: No chance, I am having this. ;o


Nubia: *Muffled due to full mouth* No! I am the supreme cat goddess and command you to step aside for me. ;o

Nubia: Now I normally am not a huge fan of fish but I have to say the Sturgeon is absolutely lip-smacking delicious!

Nubia: As mentioned earlier this dry food is part of the Almo Nature Alternative dry range. Alternative Dry is the only kibble (dry food) for us cats that contains 100% HFC fresh meat/fish originally fit for human consumption. Yes that does mean it’s 100% free of meat meal or dehydrated meat. Also this food is proven to be good for cats that are hypersensitive to foods! Being also single meat = single source of protein and gluten free!!! Plus, Alternative is GMO free. 

Oliver: Now on to the wet food!

Rennie & Freya: *In unison* Did we hear WET FOOD?

Nubia: And here we thought we’d get to try it all without the two finding out about our secret review season… but hey that is to be expected when you have grand gourmands in the family. ;D

Rennie & Freya: *In unison* GOURMANDS? We are GOURMETS! And thus we have to trial this food!

Rennie: But why is it that the girls always get in first? 🙁

Freya: It’s called ladies’ first brother. 😉

Oliver: I guess we will come back to our own attempt at the wet food another time… and you two don’t forget that the dry food is also important!

Freya: Why?

Oliver: Well little one, remember us cats can eat from 15 to 18 times a day and while of course, it would be nice for wet food to be available each time it can spoil very quickly. Therefore it’s not really an option for our humans to leave out buckets of wet food all day. So if your humans leave you alone at home kibbles are a very good option as they don’t spoil and provide access to food while your humans are gone to these places they call work for the day.

Oliver: While the Almo Nature Alternative Dry food is made with the same high-quality HFC meat as the Alternative wet food the team behind Almo Nature, of course, advises your human to make sure to feed you a mix of both!

Oliver: You can find both the Almo Nature Alternative wet & dry food in our own shop and the wet food of this range can also be found at Fetch which has a huge variety of Almo Nature flavours of various ranges. 🙂 And if you would like to find out more about this fabulous food head over to the Almo Nature website for more details on Alternative wet food & Alternative dry food. Once on there you should find a list of places to purchase it via the “Store Locator” page – this will vary depending on country. For the UK there is a great selection of online retailers in addition to your local pet shop or now also in our blog shop! 🙂

Renegade & Freya: And don’t forget what’s even more important is that this food does good for ALL animals around the world. 100% of the money your humans spend on Almo Nature’s pet food is used to protect cats, dogs and many other animals around the world through the projects of the Fondazione Capellino (Capellino Foundation). This covers small shelters in your local area to large scale biodiversity projects!

Nubia: See you all soon! Next time we will take a closer look at the Almo Nature Alternative wet food.

More from Almo Nature:

Signed by,

His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace
Her Meowjesty Queen Freya the Snowleopard
His Meowjesty King Renegade the Flash


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