Oliver & Nubia: The Princess and the Tunnel

Hi everyone,

It’s Nubia here today and look I’m in this most amazing new tunnel that my humans got me! 😀

Oliver: And as you may find out my sister is being most silly with…

Nubia: Silly, me? Never! Look I am helping to assemble the tunnel. 😀

Oliver: I suppose now that it’s an actual tunnel it looks like a lot of fun…

Nubia: Peek-a- boo Oliver!

Oliver: Ack it’s scary dragon pooh…

Nubia: I am no dragon1!! *roar* I am a princess. <3

Nubia: Oh my…

Oliver: What? o.o

Nubia: It’s got strings as well!!!! *drools*

Oliver: Oh no… Here we go again with my sister’s string addiction. :O

Nubia: But they look like a lot of fun! 😀

Oliver: But we still need them. 😮

Nubia: Right I am going further in!

Oliver: *whispers* Shall we tie her up inside? ;o

Nubia: I heard that brother!!!! And no you may not! But why not tell the other felines where to get this pawesome tunnel? <3

Oliver: Always letting me do the hard jobs… But sure… So this is one of the fabulous items currently available in our Katzenworld Shop. 😀

Nubia: Since brother will forget… I shall also remind everyone that by using katzenworld10 you’ll get 10% off your basket total on most items. 😮

Signed by,

Her Meojesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief


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