Post by Stephanie Musarra
Dr. Cat: Episode 9
I noticed that a new bakery had opened up in my neighborhood. I became intrigued, as I saw a sign that spelled out “No Dogs Allowed” in the shape of several hissing cats.
I was greeted by Dr. Cat. “Welcome to the Meow, and Hiss Bakery.”
“Dr. Cat, you own a bakery?” I was dumbfounded.
“Yes,” he grinned, “The catnip stocks are doing well, and I came into a windfall of money. I wanted to call this place, “Chairman Meow,” but the Chinese place a couple towns over already took that name. Care to sample anything?”
I grabbed a couple fish-shaped cookies.
“These are terrible,” I said, as I spit them onto a napkin. “They taste like a combination of salmon, cream, and corn meal.”
Dr. Cat rolled his eyes. “What did you expect. Cats can’t taste sugar due to a genetic mutation.”