“Alas, it’s come to this! Don’t let the dog
Or cockatoo next door see me like this!
The rabid rats will jeer, and hoot, and hiss,
And holler, as they dine on crumbs and grog!
They’ll toast each other, while they catalog
My pratfalls. Now each pretty kitty miss
Will snicker at my ardor, and dismiss
My prowess. O Dear God …. I’ll pray for fog!
And PINK! I’m in his baby sister’s clothes!
Pink patterned footsey P.J.’s…. I, the pride
Of my proud mama’s litters; I, the prize,
She claimed I was the cat’s pajamas, rose
Of all her flowers! I, so dignified.
O Aslan! Oh the shame….. God, shut Your eyes!”
The full range of Necoichi raised bowls and accessory now available @ Katzenworld Shop
Poor kitty ! But you seem to be a good sport about it. Karma should see you get lotsa treats !
My Siamese would never put up with that.