Purrsday Poetry: Frankie the Fuzzy

Hi everyone,

Today’s entry in Purrsday Poetry comes from Jasper Smith:How fuzzy can one little kitten be?

I just need to give her a squeeze

Is it too much to ask, too much to plea,

That she stops melting my heart, please?

Those precious toes, and spots of cream,

Ears perking when she hears her name,

Trills from her mouth when she wakes from a dream,

Howls, and those squawks when we don’t play her games.

Mews and sad cries when we don’t fill the bowl,

Those twinkling green eyes full of expression,

Mostly annoyance with her humans’ progression

Too slow, and our folly does take a toll.

Is it too much to ask that she stop demanding?

How can this tiny ball of fluff

Continue to sooth my soul, my love withstanding

When she’s such a pain in the butt?

© J.A. Smith 2018 –  https://musingtopieces.wordpress.com/ and here https://jasperwordsmith.home.blog/


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10 thoughts on “Purrsday Poetry: Frankie the Fuzzy

  1. Pingback: Purrsday Poetry–Franky the Fuzzy–a Katzenworld reblog! | By the Mighty Mumford

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