Hi everyone,
Please find below the latest entry in Purrsday Poetry by Gwen Davis-Feldman. The poem also doubles-up as a Tribute to her cat Chester.
Saturday, April sun with January cold
The vet visit is unexpected
Our battle plan in place:
We are bringing you home alive
Dropper feeding around the swollen jaw
To keep you that way
You are still the same, we say
And you are
Roaming the house at night
Looking for the soft crook
In the sleeping arm or leg of
Those who are upright
During the day
Those who have little
To do but stroke your
Seven pounds of skin
Defining bones that
Cease to explain the
Whereabouts of your
Lost five pounds
After twelve years
We are cowards in love
Looking the other way
Failing to contemplate
The necessary treachery
That can come in
The name of feline cancer
Gwen Davis-Feldman ©04/17
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Sweet cats.
Thank you 😀
You are Welcome
This is beautiful and also breaks my heart. We treasure the time we have with our dear feline friends.
Yes… I felt the same scheduling this in. ?
Rest in peace, sweet Chester, You will never be forgotten.
<3 thank you
Cancer is so terrible. My past cats and I have suffered.
Heartbreaking, beautiful poem. Dear Chester, safe journey over Rainbow Bridge.
<3 thank you
Pingback: Purrsday Poetry–Chester–a reblog | By the Mighty Mumford
This is lovely & so sad. After losing our 19 year old Max to kidney failure, I understand the devastation too well. My heart aches for Chester & his humans.
? I know right… it was heart breaking to schedule this in as well despite being so beautiful.
@4catsGmbH Ternurita estas triste????