Renegade and the Mystical Pyramid…

Rennie: Well, hello there human! What brings you to my playground today? You are wondering what I’ve got in front of me…? And why it’s shaped like a pyramid…? Well let me tell you!

Rennie: Surely you know by now that us cats were worshipped as gods in ancient Egypt right? So what would be better than a pyramid-shaped toy for us!

Rennie: And the big pyramid by Minoumi happens to be the purrfect size to fit in my arms while also allowing me to kick it! 😀

Rennie: Hold on a second… my toy is trying to escape!!!

Rennie: Gotcha! And now to slobber on it a bit more…

Rennie: Now on a serious note… Minoumi are toys that are designed and made in Germany! They only use excellent catnip in a nice mix with flowering catnip so the toys smell nice and floral to your humans as well. <3 Each toy has an outter layer of sturdy material and an inner layer of water repellent fabric to keep my sliver out of the plush filling and catnip. 😀

Rennie: And since my humans liked these so much… they’ve got a stack of big pyramids, small pyramids, and pyramid corner kickers in our blog shop at the moment in multiple designs and colours. <3

Signed by,

Prince Renegade who is also known as the Flash!


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