Submitted by Ruth Williams
Update since post was written:
Hello, dear Katzenworld readers! Like to hear another story? Sure you would!
So, after my striped tabby, KitKat’s, mind-bending first experience with catnip, the next day, I opened a larger toy, the 4cats Rustling Cushion Catnip Cat Toy, and set it on the couch. He seemed to recognize its scent and walked over to it right away. Just like last time, he instantly went into a whirling-dervish mode, flailing and spinning until he wore himself out, then sat completely still. Looking at his face, I can only describe his condition as “moon-eyed,” as if he’d fallen in love.
KitKat went about his important assignments for the rest of the day.
Monitoring busybody birds and scoundrel squirrels in the yard from his post on the back of the armchair.
Creating cardboard art installations out of big boxes.
(He’d just stepped out of the box as soon as I said, oh, let me get your picture.
Guess he was tired of Paparazzi tailing him – or in my case, Mama-razzi.)
Power-napping on the comfy bed in striations of mid-day sun.
Later in the day, I put the catnip toy onto the floor and within seconds, KitKat was right back into his happy-time haze. In the video, you can hear his feet running in place as he wrestles with his beloved toy, trying to get ever closer to it.
KitKat on Catnip Day Two:
Toward the end of the video, he’s startled by the sound of the garage door opening as my son comes home from class. You can see KitKat’s ears perk up, as he loves Coleman like nobody’s business.
As we waited for my son to come in the front door, I tried to communicate with KitKat to see if he was oriented to his surroundings or still in a catnip stupor. See if you can spot our wordless cat-chat. At around the three minute mark in the video, as he looked into the camera, I slow-blinked at him to see if he was still aware of me. He slow-blinked back. Just to be sure he was doing this on purpose, I blinked another few times, saying “I love you” in cat language, and he replied each time with his own blinks.
Finally, his catnip session over, he got up, came over to me for a quick pat on the back – as if to hear me say, good job getting high in the middle of the day, m’boy! Well-done! – and sat down to wait for my son to come in (so he could take his turn patting KitKat.)
Here’s a gallery of KitKat on Catnip, Day Two pictures:

All in all, KitKat J. Snorington had a blast with the 4Cats Rustling Cushion Catnip Cat Toy.
Thanks to Marc and the team here at Katzenworld for providing such entertaining toys. That’s life in the cat lane!
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Sorry for your loss, cute cat too.
So kind of you to say! Tomorrow, it’ll be a month since he’s gone. I think he’d take some solace in being immortalized here on Katzenworld, don’t you?
Yes. ?in a way you have immortalised him.
Lovely, cuddly Angel <3
You’re very sweet to say that, Sid! KitKat was a hoot and a half (as we say in New Jersey) and we sure do miss him. I’m glad we had him in our lives.
Thank you, Jonathan! We were lucky to have KitKat while we did – he was such a character! And boy, did he love that catnip.
Lovely photos and lovely memories of your precious KitKat.
Thank you kindly, Rebecca. The amazing thing is that, if not for Katzenworld letting us try these cat toys, I would never have had so many pictures of KitKat. I rarely took videos, so they gave me a reason to have this footage that I can look back on and smile (after we’re done weeping, of course.)
What a gorgeous boy. Im happy you shared him with us. Bless You.x?????
Thank you so much for your kind words! KitKat left us a month ago today, but as I look around the house, he really left his mark (sometimes literally, i.e., claws on the couch sort of thing.) More than that, he set up house in my heart. Bless you too, friend! ?
Ah, What a beautiful cat! So sorry for your loss.
I appreciate your kind words so much! I said the same thing to that sweet boy every day: that he was beautiful. When I’d say he had beautiful hair, nice whiskers, and everybody loved him, the end of his tail would twitch. One consolation is that I know for sure he knew he was loved. Thanks for letting me share my memories of my pet partner! ?
Ruth, I’m so sorry about the loss of your beloved KitKat. It’s so difficult to lose a pet, but knowing you had that kind of love and joy in your life is a comfort and gift. He was absolutely gorgeous and I was squealing with admiration during the video- I especially liked how he came over for a mini-petting during his cat nip experience. Thank you for sharing him with us. Big hugs, my friend.
Paula, that means so much to me. Thank you for your kind words and much-needed virtual hug! Now that KitKat’s been gone for a month, grief is giving way to gratitude. I’m able to reflect on the fact that he was a sweet, furry package of love and not everyone has experienced that. Unless they’re dating a wolfman, perhaps! 🙂
I’m also glad that Katzenworld gave me the opportunity to let us try out their cat toys. If we hadn’t done that, I’m honestly not sure I’d have more than a few pictures of my Kit, and surely no videos. I’m old-school (i.e, old!) and tech things make me itchy. I’m all, how do you work this dad-blamed phone-camera! Hence the video not being shot in the right orientation. I love that mini-petting at the end, too! He was so proud of getting high at mid-day. A true accomplishment! Big hugs back to you, dear heart. Take good care.
We are very glad that we let you try the toys too. <3
Holiday hugs to you, Iain and the team, Marc! ?
Awwwwwe thank you! And same to you. 🙂