Hi everyone,
The below review has kindly been put together for us by our friend Joelle LeGendre from Two on a Rant!
NomNomNow was founded by knowledgeable people who care about cats and dogs. That’s a good start.
The food is fresh and vacuumed sealed. It arrived at the post office and was excellently insulated and packaged with ice. The packaging is stellar, for the ice was almost melted but the temps inside the box were still refrigerator quality.
The box was supposed to be delivered to me the day before I actually received it. From what I can piece together, the non-USPS shipping company must have demanded a street address and the one chosen was that of the post office. That, I hadn’t expected. Had I not had the same PO box for 1/4 of a century, the parcel might have been sent back. The post office delivered it to me with a warning that the next time it would be returned to sender or dumped.
I believe that shipping to USA post office boxes will be a GREAT selling point, but there has to be an understanding between NomNomNow, FedUps (FedEx or UPS) and the USPS for it to succeed. I’ve already had two people ask about NomNomNow, who live in the country, and one of them (my SIL) already makes her own food for her dogs. She looked at the ingredients and smiled at the quality.
I deeply appreciate NomNomNow‘s willingness to allow me to test their food on my own furry family, 2 coon cats who are 8 years old and a slinky black cat who just turned 1 in September.
But there was a slight problem.
The packages are for 7-pound cats. My coon cats are 20 pounds apiece. The Tiny Terror is just barely 8 pounds. In other words, there is not enough food in one packet for a coon cat.

The directions say to start by mixing a packet in with their regular food. This was the result on the first day.

My youngest cat dove into it. The oldest looked at me as if to say, “What the hell is this?”
I tried mixing half the packet into an entire can of their regular food to get them used to eating something that different. The coon cats ate some of it. By the third day, they wouldn’t touch any of it, and the Tiny Terror picked at each of their bowls until he was full.

Unfortunately, after 4 days of this fare, my coon cats have decided to protest. Yes, Other Brother Coon Cat’s back is turned away from the offending repast, offered with both his regular food and dry food. He won’t touch anything if even a teaspoon of the good stuff is in his bowl. I’ll have to relent and give them back the food they’re used to eating.
The full range of Necoichi raised bowls and accessory now available @ Katzenworld Shop

This may seem to be a mixed review, but it’s not. The food is worth it. The cost is about $14 per week for a 7-pound cat, the quality is excellent, your first order is 20% off, and they deliver ANYWHERE…except here.

That’s why it’s such a great selling point to deliver to places no delivery service wants to go. Even I can afford to pay $14 a week.
Here’s what I suggest: Start your kitten on NomNomNow and don’t look back. Or, if you can afford the time and expense, make your own with the recipes offered by NomNomNow. You’ll probably find that it’s cheaper for NomNomNow to deliver it.
Judging from the sleek coat and good health of my SIL;s dogs, I wished I had done the same early on.
I’m seriously considering an order for my 50 pound pit-bull mix, Errrr Dog, the oldest of my 7 dogs and a real basket case. I’ve been feeding him whatever is left over after the Tiny Terror has had his fill.

Errrr Dog seems to get a spring in his step when I call him over to finish off the bowls of cat food. I wonder what he’ll do with quality doggie fare?
Nice one!
Thanks 🙂
You’re welcome!
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Bravo. Some reviews sound like a commercial. The two divas refuse anything but their usual dry unless it happens to be what I am trying to eat. I’ve even taken what I was eating and put some in their dish, you would have thought I was trying to pull a fast one…