Life of a fussy cat! I get what I want!

I am an extremely fussy eater! It frustrates my mum, which is very funny to watch.

I like to be fine dined and maybe some pawsecco pored in my bowl! You will not ever see me eating dry food EVER!

Mum tried for years to get me to eat dry food. She has spent maybe hundreds of pounds (£) just trying to get me to eat dry food. She has tried all the brands, even bought handmade brands! She got that concerned she took me to the vets! The vet put a bit of dry food in my mouth and I spat it straight out! I was extremely pleased with myself!

So, I eat wet food! But of course, it cannot be any type of wet food! Its Felix as Good as it Looks, but not any type! It has to be doubly delicious! I won’t eat other brands, mum’s tried and gave up some of that! Except I will eat chicken!! I love chicken! I don’t eat tuna, not even tuna juice!

I won’t even eat Dreamies! Some cats say that alone is strange! Then a few weeks ago it all changed!!!!

Mum took me to the vet! A yearly check-up, and the vet said I needed to lose weight. I was rather insulted, don’t they know I am big boned. I only ever have 2.5 pouches of food a day however, I have heard talk of getting this down to 2!


My food is now diet food! I cannot believe mum has put me on this type of food! I meow and meow for my food, but she won’t budge. She says I have to eat their diet food! It’s not as bad as I first thought, expect mum said it’s hitting her pocket more.

I suppose the food could be worse, but there goes my pawsecco! I will continue to try and gain my food back, however, mum is being stubborn about this subject! Any suggestions are welcome.

Maybe I’m not as fussy as I first thought!

Twitter = @HoudiniDancing

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30 thoughts on “Life of a fussy cat! I get what I want!

  1. Carolyn S. says:

    Seems quantity is very important! to you Houdini. You must feel full. How about egg and leafy greens with some nip mixed in?

    • houdinidancing says:

      I love egg yolks, I don’t like the veg. Mums tried and I will pick around the veg ?? mums never had a kitty like me ??

  2. Charles Huss says:

    I have the opposite problem. I want to stop feeding our cats dry food but Chris will only eat a few bites of the wet food and then holds out for dry. He’s a carb addict and the only one who needs to loose weight.

  3. Rebecca says:

    My cat prefers Applaws cat food but he will also eat Felix! The only dry food he will eat is N& D from the Vet! He’s fussy too. ?

    • houdinidancing says:

      Least I’m not the only one! I’ve tried the Applaws food and I don’t like it. It’s just we have a acquired taste buds ?

  4. floridaborne says:

    I suggest disappearing for a few days. She’ll set your favorite food out as bait. But don’t fall for it right away. Wait until she goes to the bathroom, gobble it up, and run to your hiding place again. This ploy is a lot more effective if there’s another cat or a dog in the house, but it still sends a message.

    p.s. My cats taught me well. 🙂

    • houdinidancing says:

      Yep, we know. Trying, even with vet help. I’m not obese just need to lose 1kg. But the vets said mums doing everything right. I’m a indoor kitty too. Vets said I’m a handful and they can’t get me to love the food it’ll be difficult for my mum too. But she’s trying.

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