Tabatha’s Amazing Bali Facts
Hello to all the readers of Katzenworld!
Thank you for checking in to read about my first experience in Bali! This kitty now has some amazing facts about Bali that she cannot wait to share with you!
So without further ado, did you know…?
Indonesia has the worlds largest Muslim community! However, Bali’s population is mainly Hindu ?
Bali is the home of two active volcanoes, Mount. Batur and Mount Agung.
Bali is the home of Black Sand due to the active volcanoes!
Bali only has two weather seasons, Wet Season (Catniptini anyone?) and Dry Season (time for lots of delicious Catniptini’s!!)
Bali celebrates a festival of silence! The Neyapi day is a day where the island completely closes so people are able to meditate and self-reflect. (Purrrrrfect!!!!)
The Balinese calendar is only 210 days old! Meow!
Kopi Luwack is coffee made from Civet droppings!! (Yes, poo). Prices can go up to $50 per cup!
Balinese people usually have one of four names: Wayan, Made, Nyoman or Ketut (doesn’t matter if you are born male or female). The names translate as, first born, second born, third born and fourth born!!!
Language can be complex in Indonesia as it has…wait…over 580 different languages and dialects! (Meow…purr)
80% of Bali’s economy depends on tourism!

Thank you so much for reading my amazing facts about Bali! It is my pleasure to share my facts about the world with you ?
Make sure to check into Tabatha’s Travels to keep up to date with my latest and daily travel stories!
Your (cute) travel blogging kitty Tabatha xxxx
Perfect as always . the CATS and Kittys are stunning and amazing ??
Thanks 🙂
Oh! Have you got photos of that? We’d love to feature them.
I hope you visited Villa Kitty in Ubud, Bali’s only cat refuge. Full of beautiful Bali cats and kittens needing homes.
Pingback: Tabatha's Amazing Bali Facts - Katzenworld Shop
When you say 4 names, you mean titles,don’t you? People must have other actual names.
Thank you for your continued support of this world travelling ball of cute fluff. Tabatha xx
bali what a beautiful island , i really love it and there is an amazing view there
Thank mew. This kitty had a really great time 🙂