Guest post from the blog: overthehillontheyellowbrickroad
As I walked through a doorway Over the Hill on the Yellow Brick Road, I noticed a kitten who seemed to be searching for something.
Can I help you?
KITTEN: I’m looking for a home. I need someone to take care of me.
Well, I’ve had lots of cats in my life. Growing up, I had a black cat, Midnight, who lived a good, long life. And then, when I was in my twenties, I had another gray striped cat, Hamlet. He lived a long life, too. When he died, I got Teddy, my black and white cat. And when his long life ended, I got a Maine Coon cat, Bosley. He died last year.
KITTEN: It sounds like you’re a good cat mommy. What’s your name?
KITTEN: Cathi, will you be my cat mommy? Take care of me?
Uh…I’m not sure I can do that. I mean, I’m older now. You might be my last cat. You’re just a baby and your whole life’s ahead of you. What if you live longer than I do?
Or what if I get too old to hold you in my arms?
Or what if I can’t bend over someday, so I won’t be able to give you your cat food?
Or what if my legs become too frail to play with you?
Or what if my hands are unsteady so I can’t pet you?
Or what if I run out of money and can’t afford to buy you food?
Or what if—
KITTEN: Cathi?
KITTEN: I just want to be with you.
Copyright:overthehillontheyellowbrickroad 2017
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Very moving… makes me think I should get another cat, even though my last one (Cassandra) was killed recently, after ten years of tender loving care, by horrible neighbor’s dogs.
How heart breaking for you.
Losing a cat is heart breaking for sure. Taking in a new one helps me heal and move on. 🙂
May Cassandra rest in peace. But I’ve also come around to thinking we should just take one day at a time. If we’re fortunate enough to have cats in our lives, bring ’em on. 🙂
i’m so sorry <3
I’m so sorry for your loss. That is a heart breaking way to lose your beloved cat.
Paul, that is so sad! I am sorry to hear that. We are so lucky that Louis Catorze’s interactions with Oscar the dog next door are largely good-humoured & that we get on with his folks. Lots of love to you from me & Catorze.
Now that is just plain sweet
Thank you so much.
I hope Kitten spends as much of his life as possible with Cathi and they share every bit of their love.
Ah, thank you very, very much. Since writing the post you just read, my Kitten , Jakie, has started to grow into a handsome, sensitive, playful, loving cat. I’m so glad we’re together.
Very moving…. Makes me think i should get another cat, even though my last one was killed recently after ten years of tender loving care by vicious neighboring dogs….
Wow, that’s scary about the dogs. All the cats I’ve owned have gone outside. Jakie (the kitten I now own) doesn’t go out. Maybe it’s better?
Pingback: CONVERSATION WITH A KITTEN…Wondering If He Will Be Someone’s Last Pet - Katzenworld Shop
So sweet, so wonderful <3
Thank you so much, Sid. I’m so glad my kitten, Jakie, found his way into my heart. He’s a wonderful cat.
I could feel the need in the wee kitten to be loved and cared for by Cathie.x???
Yes, I believe it’s a telepathic sense cats and kittens have about humans. Thank you for your very kind thought.
And this is how kittens find us. This is beautiful, Cathi.
I think kittens can sense when they have found the human they were meant to belong with.
I so agree with you!
Pingback: CONVERSATION WITH A KITTEN…Wondering If He Will Be Someone’s Last Pet - Baptize A Cat?
so sweet and sad at the same time. <3
I love cats. This made me cry but kind of happy cry
Yes, the thought of a particular pet possibly being my last never occurred to me. Until now. But you never know what’s around the corner, so I’ll take any cat who comes into my life.
I know what you mean. I feel the same way.
Yes, sweet and sad. I am approaching that point in my life and really, I can’t bear the thought of not having a cat.
I feel the same way.
Awww… That’s so sweet. What a beautiful post ! Purrs
Thank you so much. Purrs right back to you! 🙂
None of us know for sure how long our journey will be or how it will go. Adding that irresistable feline just makes it all the more worthwhile. My friends and I have a pact that should anything happen, we will band together and all felines will be cared for.
What a fantastic idea! I love that! Maybe I’ll look into that in my life as well. Thank you!
It can add to the human’s piece of mind and of course our precious felines deserve no less.
Of course!
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Thank you for this. It’s something that has been running through my mind lately. We haven’t stopped yet and currently have 11 cats. The youngest is just 8 months old 🙂
You’re my role model. Awesome!
Very nice! Our last cat was 18! Now live in a compound with lots of kittens in Indonesia but can’t choose one!
I know what you mean. There seems to be something very special about every single kitten.
I think every kitten has something special about it. We can never choose.