Tricks for Teaching Your Cat to Come when Called

Tricks for Teaching Your Cat to Come when Called

Although cats are very independent and self-sufficient animals, the truth is that contrary to popular belief, it is possible to train them. Take the time to learn a little bit about the way the mind of a cat works and what motivates their behavior. Through implementing some simple training techniques for your cat or kitten, you can quickly teach them to come to you when they are called. Check out this guide for teaching your cat to come when you call their name.

. Choose a Good Name:

If you have just adopted a new cat or kitten and need to give it a name, then naming your cat is an important part of the process that will either make it easier or more difficult for you to train your cat to come to call in the future. Choose a name that is easy for your cat to recognize as their own. As a general rule, cats tend to respond better to names that are short, sweet, and pleasant-sounding. For example, ‘Fluffy’, or ‘Kitty’ are good names that your cat will quickly learn to respond to. Avoid changing your cat’s name once they have become used to it, and try to avoid nicknames, as this will only confuse them.

#2. Start Early:

Once you’ve picked out a name that you love and suits your cat or kitten well, there’s no reason to wait around before you can begin training. In fact, the earlier you get them used to their name, the better! Of course, older cats can always learn new things too. If your cat is a little older, for example, if you’ve had them for a while or they are an older rescue cat, then don’t worry! It may just take a little more time and patience to reach your goal.

#3. Have Rewards Ready:

Bear in mind that unlike dogs, cats aren’t really bothered about receiving verbal praise when it comes to training. Whilst a cheerful ‘Good boy!’ may set your dog’s tail wagging in glee, the same is not true for cats – they need something more. This could depend entirely on your cat – if they are the affectionate type, then a scratch behind the ears may do the trick, whilst more playful and energetic cats may respond well to a game with the laser pointer or playing catch with a toy mouse. If in doubt, it’s fairly certain that the majority of cats will enjoy edible rewards!

#4. Create Positive Associations:

Lastly and perhaps most importantly, create positive associations with your cat’s name. Only use your cat’s name when you are speaking pleasantly to him, and never to tell him off! To start with, say your cat’s name when you give him a treat, and once he is used to this, start calling him to come to you and each time he does, ensure that he is rewarded. Make sure that the reward is immediate, to ensure that your cat associates his name with it.

After a while, your cat will quickly come running when you call!

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24 thoughts on “Tricks for Teaching Your Cat to Come when Called

  1. portapatetcormagis says:

    So Stoppit would be a good name? It’s short and probably used often 😀

    And anyway, cat training is very easy. Give your cat 2 weeks and you’ll have understood what to do when they call you.

  2. Pingback: Tricks for Teaching Your Cat to Come when Called – Katzenworld | "OUR WORLD"

  3. IreneDesign2011 says:

    Great info Marc 🙂

    I have trained my cats to come, when I call them and it works well.
    Another topic for you for another day could be, how good our cats are to train us? They are great 😀

  4. foguth says:

    Mr. M comes at his leisure – unless his nose tells him food or treats are involved. He moved in when he was an adult and was accustomed to doing as he wished, when he wished, so going from feral to housecat took quite a bit of adjustment for everyone. Purrseidon, who was adopted at 4 weeks of age, is much more prompt at coming and she even meows an acknowledgement that she hears us.

    • Marc-André says:

      🙂 it’s amazing how well they can adapt to a change tho. I read an interesting article that cats were never domesticated but chose to be “domesticated” as they made careful calculations that live would be much easier having human servants. Have to see if I can find that hilarious article again haha

  5. Pingback: Tricks for Teaching Your Cat to Come when Called – Katzenworld Shop

  6. helentastic67 says:

    Jamima used to respond to Tone! I don’t care what people say……if she escaped outside my front door she wouldn’t respond to her name but if I growled a “Get back here,” and she would scamper back past me inside……Cheers,H

  7. Nora hamilton says:

    Another trick that works is to call them when you know they will come anyway. I always call Pepsi at meal time, and now he comes when I call any time.

  8. Pingback: Teaching Your Cat to Come when Called – Jeanne Foguth's Blog

  9. Casey@Petcomments says:

    Personally i don’t have any experience about older cats or adult cats, but i do have an experience about kitten. Everytime when i feed them (i got 3 kitten at that time,their mother is gone actually), i call the name when i hold them. Just need to speak pleasantly and this is the best thing you can do if you are really passionate about cats. Within a two or three month, each of them respond so good. I mean if 3 of them stay together, when i call out 1 name, only that specific cat will come.

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