Kitty Karma – Big Stories of Small Cats Who Change Our Lives

Hi everyone,

It’s not often that we do a shoutout for a crowdfunding campaign but the story of Kitty Karma REALLY caught our eyes.

Kitty Karma is a collection of Big Stories of Small Cats Who Change Our Lives. Net profits of the book will be donated to a number of cat charities.

So what are the details of the book?

A unique cat book written by cat people for cat people to save cat charities. This campaign is to help cover production costs of the book so that all net proceeds from book sales can go to assist 3 cat shelters: Il Gattaro d’Aleppo, Abaykitties, Hawaii, & Whangamata CAT in New Zealand. They care for injured, abandoned, orphaned or feral cats. There are countless organizations in need, and they plan more books to help them improve the lives of cats, several kitties at a time.





With such a great ethos behind the book we just had to share their story and we and the concept creator would much appreciate if you could help spread the word about the book or even help fund it on indiegogo!

The crowdfunding campaign to cover publishing and production costs for Kitty Karma: Big Stories of Small Cats Who Change Our Lives is now LIVE and open for business.

The book, to be published in November, is an anthology of stories from distinguished authors from around the globe. All have donated their work because they care about the cause.

The cause? Yes. The CAT cause! The Indiegogo campaign is important because it will allow the team behind Kitty Karma to contribute net proceeds from all book sales to three amazing cat shelter charities:

· Il Gattaro d’Aleppo’s Facebook page 

· May 2017 NBC News Coverage of Mohammad Alaa Aljaleel, The Cat Man of Aleppo

· Abay Kitties on the Big Island of Hawaii

· Whangamata CAT Rescue, New Zealand

Want to be included in the Kitty Karma social media shoutouts? They have a perk for that! Full lists of perk below. 🙂

What could be better? For your contribution of
$5 or more, you get slow-blink-love. And a free chapter from the Kitty Karma Project book.
You know your contribution is appreciated and meaningful ‘cuz you get the ‘head bump hello’. Also the complete Kitty Karma Book in PDF format. Delivery via email before the end of November 2017.


Your $25 pledge is purrrr-fect! If you listen closely you’ll hear the purring :-). Your paperback book will be shipped anywhere in the world – as long as shipping to where you are is possible. Meeee-oow! 

Your kindness makes us knead our paws :-0. Awwww. Your $50 contribution means you’ll get 2 Kitty Karma books in soft cover + 1 PDF digital book. PDF delivered via email, paperbacks will be shipped anywhere in the world, as long as shipping is possible. Estimated delivery Dec 2017.

It may come too early, but admit it: you LOVE those morning meows! In this case, your morning meow follows a $75 contribution. You also get your favourite kitty photo in our M-M-Meow Gallery, a PDF copy of the book and 3 paperbacks shipped to you …. so long as shipping is possible wherever you are.

Spots on our M-M-Meow Gallery are coveted! Your $100 contribution secures a 1/2 page VIP (Very Important Pets) slot for your fave feline fotos (or dog, goldfish, parrot, horse, we love them all) on our M-M-Meow Gallery. You’ll also enjoy one limited edition hard cover book, one 1 Kitty Karma softcover book + one digital PDF book.

Wake up with a good cat stretch curtsy! The Kitty Karma cats are WIDE awake thanks to your pledge of $200 or more. Enjoy a half page colour photo of your cat in our M-M-Meow Gallery of VIPs (very important pets), two signed limited edition hardcover books, one paperback, one digital copy of the book + Kitty Karma Kats 2018 calendar.


Turn your furbaby into a cover girl or boy! Get your cat’s color photo on the front cover of our book. Three signed Limited Edition Hardcover Books, and a personalized note of thanks from the one or more of our featured cat shelters. Receive the 2018 Kitty Karma Kats calendar and be included on a thank-you list on the KKB website.

All the primping and priming and cleaning and grooming come together in our Kitty Licks Sensational $750 contribution. Enjoy a signed hardcover book, submit your favourite cat photo for use on our front cover and be featured in our M-M-Meow Gallery, receive our audiobook and four paperback copies, and be on a thank-you list on the KKB website.

Receive our Collector’s Edition, a limited run audio recording of the book, color photo of your cat on the front cover, a limited Edition Hardcover Book & one softcover book, a personalized note of thanks, one PDF copy, + contribute the foreword to Project Kitty Karma 2. Acknowledgement in back of book (contributions b4 Oct 31/17).

This perk is reserved for those with Nine
Lives Nobility and a $2500 contribution. Contributions made prior to Oct 31, 2017 will be acknowledged in the Kitty Karma book .


There’s a LIMIT on the number of perks in each category, though, so hurry before they get snapped up!

Are there other ways to help? You bet. Help us spread the word!

Look for @bookskittykarma on Twitter,

@kittykarmabooks on Facebook and Instagram. Like, follow and share!



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6 thoughts on “Kitty Karma – Big Stories of Small Cats Who Change Our Lives

  1. Pingback: Kitty Karma | Les deux divas: ma vie en rose

  2. Pingback: ????Heads up!! ? First guest post of a very worthy cause!!? Check it out!! It’s Grrreat!!? Kitty Karma – Big Stories of Small Cats Who Change Our Lives — Katzenworld? – Expressions ~~by Drea.

  3. Pingback: Kitty Karma – Big Stories of Small Cats Who Change Our Lives - Baptize A Cat?

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