Adventures of Oliver & Nubia – The box of ping pong balls

Hi everyone,

We are back for the seventh installment of The amazing adventures of Oliver & Nubia!

Siblings tend to get along “most” of the time but at times they try to shift blame on the other and of course the same as for humans applies to cats as well…

So what happened to the box of ping-pong balls? Check out the cartoon and see what happens! ; )




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30 thoughts on “Adventures of Oliver & Nubia – The box of ping pong balls

  1. Pingback: Adventures of Oliver & Nubia – The box of ping pong balls – Katzenworld | RoseyToesSews

    • Marc-André says:

      LOL! Very true. This is actually based on a real occurrence at a friends place and dad in the family was the one that got in trouble for leaving it out for the cats. But we decided to change it slightly for this comic. 😉

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