Hi everyone,
We are back for the seventh installment of The amazing adventures of Oliver & Nubia!
Siblings tend to get along “most” of the time but at times they try to shift blame on the other and of course the same as for humans applies to cats as well…
So what happened to the box of ping-pong balls? Check out the cartoon and see what happens! ; )
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Poor Oliver! He has a sassy sister!
LOL. I’m sure she doesn’t see it that way. 😉
OMG excellent xD
Thanks ^^
Aww, poor Oliver!
Haha xD
Pingback: Adventures of Oliver & Nubia – The box of ping pong balls – Katzenworld | RoseyToesSews
Oops ?
Whoops! Oh, so much fun with ping pong balls!! Toc! Toc!
Haha indeed 🙂
Cute. 🙂 Nice artwork.
Thanks! (We are the artists 😉 )
I love the expressive faces.
Thank you 🙂
Very good. You’d think those silly humans would know ’twas Nubia that dunnit!
Of course not. She is the cute little princess that can’t be at fault. 😉
The expressions are priceless. Particularly Nubia’s evil scheming one, and Oliver’s ‘poor little me’ one!
Haha. Thank you. 😀
I’d run like the wind if that happened! Too many loud bouncy noises. And my Housefolk would have no cat to blame!
Be seeing you,
LOL! That’s one way to get out of it haha
ha ha ha. cute illustrations..
I don’t know about Oliver and Nubia’s human. I mean, if you leave an open box full of ping pong balls at the top of the stairs in a house which has two cats, you’re just asking for trouble! 😛
LOL! Very true. This is actually based on a real occurrence at a friends place and dad in the family was the one that got in trouble for leaving it out for the cats. But we decided to change it slightly for this comic. 😉
So cute, so very, very cute! I love the header at the top of the site as well.
Thank you Carol. :). My friend drew that one for us based on our own cats and friends cats. ^^
If you ever fancy submitting a guest story please do let us know btw. 😀
A guest story, really? Yeah I’d be happy to. Any particular theme? I’m guessing something cat related?
Anything cat related is always welcome. 🙂
Drop me an email to marc@katzenworld.co.uk and I’ll set you up with a contributor access.