
I haven’t done a blog post about Buddy before, so I thought I ought to introduce him properly. Spotted on Facebook two years ago, the painfully thin little scrap was living on the streets of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Someone had already damaged his tail beyond repair and either they, or someone else had picked him up a short while later to burn off part of his left ear. Knowing that if he wasn’t taken away from there soon, there wouldn’t be a kitten left to rescue, I contacted a friend and arranged transport to a vet in Sofia, 150 km away.

He was originally supposed to be adopted by a lovely lady from a pet forum I used to frequent. Sadly, not long after we delivered him to her, I received an e-mail saying her health had taken a turn for the worse and could we take him instead. Fortunately he has fitted in perfectly with our other cats and is a joy to have around.

His favourite game is playing in the cardboard box pile that I leave on the dining room floor, as can be seen in the featured image above. The photograph below was taken as he was playing in the late afternoon sun at the top of the stairs.

The final image was taken a couple of days ago in a patch of sun on the bedroom carpet.


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32 thoughts on “Buddy

      • Zooey says:

        The lady became a very good friend of mine and it hurt me a lot that she could no longer keep him. On the other hand, Buddy has a special girlfriend in Vicky (our nearly blind kitten) and it would have been awful if they had never met 🙂

        • Zooey says:

          I can’t reply to your other comment, but yes… there probably should be a limit, but they all love the boxes so much it’s hard to throw them out. I just passed the dining room and Bubu is sleeping in them 🙂

          • daisymae2017 says:

            I hope you didn’t take offense. I meant it as a joke. Give your cat(s) what you feel they should have. I’m glad they like your cardboard boxes. I meant nothing by my previous comment.

        • Zooey says:

          Sorry – there aren’t enough levels to comment in the right place. Of course I didn’t take offence! It’s just that I can’t bear the sad little faces when I try and sneak a tatty old box into the porch. I’m sure they can count 😀

          • daisymae2017 says:

            OK. I’m glad you weren’t offended. Tell your cats to have fun with their cardboard boxes. bet they can count too. Cats are smart.

  1. RoseyToesSews says:

    Buddy is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing his story Zooey. Thank goodness you managed to rescue him from Bulgaria. It’s sad that his original adoption fell through, I imagine the lady was quite upset. However he’s obviously very happy and very loved where he is with you. ??

    • Zooey says:

      There are excellent rescues in Bulgaria, but sadly there is too much neglect or cruelty and offers of forever homes out there are almost zero. Buddy is certainly very happy here, as he reminds us every day 🙂

    • Zooey says:

      He is indeed. Buddy is one of those ultra-clingy cats. This morning he fell off the bed because he was pacing up and down trying to stay close to me and he didn’t look where he was going… 🙂

    • Zooey says:

      Not me I’m afraid. It’s the rescuers who deserve that title. One man drove a round trip of 300km to take him from Plovdiv to Sofia 🙂

  2. Nancy says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, to all involved in saving this precious life. What a little darling he is. So clean and healthy and handsome. Just look at those luxurious whiskers. Both of you won the jackpot, didn’t you? A perfect example of what love can do.

  3. Zooey says:

    Yes… we all won the jackpot. Thanks to the person who spotted him and sent the photographs to my friend. Thanks to my friend for posting on FB asking for help. Thanks to the gentleman who drove so far to collect him. Thanks to the vet for looking after him and sorting out his damaged ear. Thanks again to my friend for fostering until he was ready to come to us and thanks to the transport company who cover Bulgaria. They do the run once a month and sort all the paperwork out for us.

    I’m glad you spotted Buddy’s whiskers. They really are quite unusual 🙂

  4. Rasma R says:

    From one handsome cat to another my Sid sends his sincerest meows to Buddy. I think Buddy is a wonderful looking cat and glad he is now having good time. That photo at the top of the stairs is just so precious.

    • Zooey says:

      All cats should be having a good time, don’t you think? At least Sid, Buddy and all those who appear in here are loved and cared for. I’m glad you like the photo. I’ve just created a little book for myself and chose that one to be on the cover 🙂

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