Oliver & Nubia: Cooling mats just for dogs? Us cats disagree!

Hi everyone,

It’s your favourite Tuxedo here today. ; )

Oliver: So you are probably wondering what I am sitting on? Well… let’s take a closer look. 😀

Oliver: This is a genious invention for the hot and sweaty summer days. 😀

Nubia: But it says it’s for dogs…

Oliver: So what?!? It keeps me cool!

Nubia: I think you look rather hilarious on the blue mat. 😉

Oliver: Stop making fun and give it a try… you’ll see what I mean.

Nubia: Hmmmm…. It’s kinda squishy…

Oliver: You need to sit on it for longer just wait…

Nubia: Yes? It’s still squishy. 😮

Oliver: A little longer yet… don’t make me push you off and take it off you!!!

Nubia: It’s kind of… cool. Oh my gosh… it’s super cool. I feel so relaxed now! :O

Oliver: See didn’t I tell you. Now if I may please get it back…

Nubia: NO chance… I’ve been sweating all week!!! This is mine now. 😮

Oliver: Right I guess I better get our servants to order another one of the Aquamat chillers. 🙁

Nubia: YES you should because this is now MINE.

Oliver: I still don’t know why they are marketed just for dogs… it’s just as good for us cats! 😀

Oliver: And best of all these don’t need to be put in the fridge. They simply work through our pressure on the pad with it’s gel inside. And they come in a variety of sizes:

XS – 30 x 40 cms

S – 40 x 50 cms

M – 50 x 65 cms

L – 50 x 90 cms

Nubia: zzzZzzz…. SNORE

Oliver: Sounds like my sister finally managed to get some sleep. She has been struggling with that because of the heatwave here!

Signed by,

His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace


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23 thoughts on “Oliver & Nubia: Cooling mats just for dogs? Us cats disagree!

  1. RoseyToesSews says:

    We have a few cooling mats that we purchased last year for a great price of £4.99 from B&M in UK. Probably not as high quality as the one tested, but do the same job. Not all the kitties have been patient enough to stay on them long enough to figure out what they do though! ?

  2. Pingback: Oliver & Nubia: Cooling mats just for dogs? Us cats disagree! – Katzenworld | RoseyToesSews

  3. daisymae2017 says:

    Oliver and Nubia, I hope you continue to enjoy your chilling mat for “dogs”. Ha-Ha. Just because it says it’s for dogs doesn’t mean cats can’t use it too. So I hope you both take advantage of the chillin’ mat for as long as you can. Good Luck Nubia and Oliver. Shared on LinkedIn.

  4. zodiacimmortal says:

    OMG so funny! My cat doesn’t like the hot weather she actually yells at us when to put on the A/C!!!
    But she doesn’t like cold weather much either or maybe she does cause that’s when she comes and lays down under the covers with us.

    • Marc-André says:

      Sounds a lot like Nubia apart from that she meows for the fan to be turned on as we don’t have an aircon ?

  5. Pingback: meanlittleboy2

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