Hi everyone,
Today we have an important shout-out for you from our friends at The Catnip Nation project.
They are working on a documentary to raise money for the cats in need of support as not all cats out there are lucky enough to have a forever home with a human that cares for them.
Full details below:
For every cat who has a lap to sit on, there’s another surviving on the streets. There are 90 million feral cats roaming the U.S., unprotected by laws & from people who want them dead. Catnip Nation, an hour-long documentary, brings awareness to this invisible feline epidemic and meets those on the humanitarian front lines — the unseen and unsung heroes caring for feral cats while fighting angry neighbors, animal control officers, politicians, developers.
For the past year, we’ve been filming Catnip Nation. Today, we are partnering with Seed & Spark to raise the funds to finish production. We have about a dozen shoots left before we move on to editing and post production.

About the Project:
The full range of Necoichi raised bowls and accessory now available @ Katzenworld Shop
Every day, no matter the weather, no matter what, Stony Point resident Andrea LeResche climbs into a tangled copse to feed a colony of cats. And Drazen Cackovic, a Nyack architect, steals time away from his blue prints, to care for a group of felines he keeps in his office. Meanwhile, Ken Salerno, a one-man cat whisperer, makes frequent visits to a New Jersey sanctuary, where he has relocated more than 60 beach cats who would have been rounded up from under the boardwalk in Seaside Heights and taken to shelters, or killed.These are just some of the characters we meet in Catnip Nation, a full-length documentary that looks deep into the soul of a handful of unsung and unseen heroes who feed and care for feral cats. In some cases, the best-case scenario is for feral “colonies” to be fed, but also to be TNRed — which means Trap Neuter Returned. Over time, a colony fades out, which is the goal: stopping the endless cycles of kitten births. TNR has been shown to be the proven way to deal with large populations of homeless cats. Nevertheless, it takes “a village” to condone and enable TNR. What our “characters” know all too well is that despite their best intentions, they are constantly dealing with adversity: angry neighbors, misguided animal control officers, apathetic or mercurial politicians, and development pressures. As we get to know our characters throughout the documentary, it becomes clear as to what makes them tick. Why they do what they do, and how they sustain themselves through such diversity.The ASPCA estimates there are some 90 million cats living on the streets, in every community, nationwide. Some cities have adopted favorable TNR policies, but too many don’t. Additionally, TNR only works if there is a collaboration of cooperation among colony caretakers, veterinarians, communities, public officials, etc. It really does take a village to endorse and enforce good rules for cat colony management. The alternative is bleak. Feral cats, by and large, remain unadoptable. When animal control officers round up cats and take them to shelters, that’s the end of the line. These cats will get put down. Euthanizing healthy animals is inhumane, even if many see them as nuisances. Also, many times angry neighbors take matters into their own hands, poisoning or harming cats. This is illegal, yet it happens all the time. Education on TNR can slow down this injustice.TNR-friendly communities have learned ways to mitigate the needs of everyone, feral cats included. Not everyone is cat-sympathetic — although you’d never know it considering the cat-love we see everyday on the Internet and in popular culture at large. TNR is hard work, and we need to celebrate those who undertake this burden, often at their own expense, and their own peril. In a humane society, we take care of animals. We are hoping Catnip Nation will change hearts and minds on this subject. We’re hoping cat lovers will help ignite a grassroots movement demanding a humane solution for feline homelessness. We need the conversation to be brought into the open; it needs to be aired, understood and addressed.
Wow, that is really cool! TNR really does work, and this documentary looks as thought it will help educate people about why it’s so effective and important!
Indeed! Btw did you have any issues logging in / liking / commenting? We’ve upgraded to a business plan and some users have mentioned they struggled since.
yes, this is so important!
Indeed and we will share more of this. 🙂 Btw did you have any issues logging in / liking / commenting? We’ve upgraded to a business plan and some users have mentioned they struggled since.