Purrsday Poetry: For Felix, 2000-14

Hi everyone,

Please find below the latest entry in Purrsday Poetry by Jennifer Barraclough.

FOR FELIX, 2000-14


We loved one another for fourteen years
Remembering you now brings back my tears

You came as a fragile rescue kitten
As soon as we met my heart was smitten

Although you and I were perfectly matched
Other admirers would often get scratched

I was the mother that you never had
Nursed you with care when your health became bad

Although the vets were so clever and kind
They could not help as your vigour declined

Why you were so sick nobody could say
Sadly I watched as your life ebbed away
One night when I lay awake on the bed
A cold breeze told me your spirit had fled

I laid you to rest in a garden tomb
Where irises and sweet violets bloom

Passage of time will perhaps dim the pain
Till on the Rainbow Bridge we meet again



By Jennifer Barraclough

If you would like to enter your own poems for Purrsday Poetry don’t forget to email info@katzenworld.co.uk

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31 thoughts on “Purrsday Poetry: For Felix, 2000-14

  1. RoseyToesSews says:

    RIP handsome Felix, play well over Rainbow Bridge ?
    Such a beautiful poem Jennifer. I’m sure all of us who have lost fur-babies can relate to your words. Sending you hugs.

  2. artseafartsea says:

    Lovely poem. My Merlin lived until he was fourteen but it was not enough time. It never is.

  3. daisymae2017 says:

    Sorry for your loss. I know what losing a cat or any pet is like. Not fun. I’m sure he’s in a better place now. I lost my last cat 9-11-2015. I have another cat now. I hope you get another get. Cats are a great comfort and they relieve stress.

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