Can Cats be Wicked?

Can Cats be Wicked?

Hello Katzenworld Fans,

As we all know, cats are adorable and mostly loved by all. We hardly hear anything bad about them, and in reality, they are one of the easiest pets to take care of. However, today I wish to talk about the ones that are known to be not so nice and discuss whether there is a possible reason for it.

Looking into the casting crew of many animation films and books I can distinctively remember this one cat. He not only found chasing mice and eating them as a pleasurable sport but he also would create conflict between the pets in the house, causing them to get kicked outside.

Along side, the mischievous behaviour mentioned he would also create more work for his keeper and found it incredibly entertaining when she would get punished for his failed evil ideas.

Who is this cat you ask? Why, it is our very own black fur, toothy grin, and sneaky wicked cheating predator called LUCIFER.

Can a cat be so mean or do we just see them in fiction? Has anyone ever been owned by a cat that was just vicious? Can animals have a wicked side to them or are they all sweet natured and just good spirited. Let me know in the comment section!

My belief is that animals are all good-natured from the start. It is their keeper demonstrating and teaching them the wrong way of behaving which then reflects on them. Being mean or wicked maybe the case in Lucifer’s case but I can almost guarantee that if he had a different owner, he might have never been that cruel.

What are your thoughts on this topic? I would love to hear your opinion.

Written by Jeyran Main

Jeyran is a blogger, consumer reviewer, book editor, book promoter and a freelance book translator. Her website Review Tales demonstrates her thoughts, reflections and book reviews.


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20 thoughts on “Can Cats be Wicked?

  1. Robert Varga says:

    They are never mean at start, more instinctive, what’s given by nature and awaiting of education from their human companion(s). They can be loving, caring, playful; or vicious creatures. Up to us. Ask my Roxy… 🙂

  2. Rohvannyn says:

    I’ve only seen one cat who was a problem from the start and I’m pretty sure she was actually insane. Cats are intelligent enough to have mental problems, and it’s quite rare, but I did meet one. We got her as a kitten, about three months old. Always treated her well. Gave her lots of playtime, consistency, communication. Tried pheromones, squirt bottle, extra play, everything we could think of – no matter what we did, she always bullied the other cat, misbehaved, chewed things up, destroyed things, and yowled all night. She had a vet check and the behavior was the same before and after spaying. We tried to civilize her for nearly three years, but eventually couldn’t take it anymore and had to rehome her in a no-kill cat sanctuary.

  3. Lisa's Everyday Life says:

    My cat has a bad side -i call it her princess side as only Siamese can do. She will knock stuff off,turn up her nose and ignore you if she decided you are not her friend. Usually she gets over after a little while.

  4. bikerchick57 says:

    I never had a “wicked” cat, but I did have a scaredy cat. He was terrified of so much…people, sudden moves, the evil vacuum cleaner. I never figured out why he was this way other than he came to me from a farm with a upper respiratory infection. His start in life must have been pretty tough and frightening.

  5. atrangizindagieksafar says:

    Oh yes… my kitty took immense pleasure in smashing down most of my crystal glasses and delicate show pieces as if he was doing a net practise in cricket. He would happily throw them in the air and watch them come crashing down then throw another… I don’t know whether to laugh out at his antics or cry at my loss

  6. Laura (PA Pict) says:

    I wouldn’t characterize my older cat as wicked but he has definitely worked out passive-aggressive ways to get what he wants. Ha ha! The other day while I was making human dinner, he started mewing for food – two hours before he was due to be fed. When I didn’t feed him, he climbed up on to my art table, stared me in the eye, and proceeded to knock off all the pencils and paintbrushes I had on the table one by one and never breaking eye contact. Naughty but also pretty hilarious. So definitely not wicked but definitely knowledgeable about how to push his human’s buttons.

  7. heretherebespiders says:

    A long long time ago, I knew a cat that was so violent she had to be tied to a cinderblock outside the house. She would chase people, dogs, any living thing, and do her best to shred them to bits. Once she trapped four teenage boys in a room – boys of an age who would normally do anything to look tough in front of other boys.
    I asked about her, and it seems she had to have a total hysterectomy for medical reasons, and was never the same afterward. While tying her up seems cruel, it was the only option other than euthanasia. This was a very poor neighbourhood so I have to say I did appreciate that they did get her medical care and continued to do their best to keep her safe and healthy (and saving other animals like teenage boys from being shredded).

  8. Mary McNeil says:

    They can definitely have a nasty side brought out by – what ? Personality conflicts with other cats ? Food allergies that cause symptoms we humans can’t detect ? Bad days ? Bad previous experiences, definitely. Weather / air pressure. Loss of a companion. Probably anything that could effect a canine or even a human. I have known of cats that were not “right” (though not necessarily evil) after being declawed. Just as some can show a nasty side, others are gentle, or shy, or withdrawn. It’s how they react, individually, just as humans do.

  9. zodiacimmortal says:

    I don’t know if you would call it wicked but there was a cat that was at my old job. She just showed up one day (on my day off of course!)
    She seemed to only like 2 people Myself and one of the guys that worked there. (which I found pretty funny)
    The other girls I think one in particular she really didn’t like as she would hiss at her when she’s want to pet Pepper.

    Pepper here and there would be the same with me. She’d love me to pet her and hug her, she’d even come visit me in my guard shed and sit on my lap (to which I then didn’t want to disturb her and slacked on my work)
    I used to call her the bipolar cat as if I did get up from the chair she’d steal it and not let me sit back in it! She wouldn’t even be nice to me! She’d swat at me if I tried to pet her or pick her up off of it! (I guess she wanted a warm seat)

    There are some cats that when you pet them they get over stimulated and start to try to scratch and bite, I don’t know if this was the case with Pepper I mean.. it was my guard shed so I think she was challenging me some how.
    She was also aloud to come and go as she pleased and there would be a time of year she;d disappear for months on end then re-appear. So I don’t know if she spent that time with another family or as a stray but she never really came back in bad shape.

    I think pepper was like me, if she didn’t like the vibe you were giving off, she wanted you no where near her.

  10. simon7banks says:

    Cats like to play with prey, which we mostly find distressing. This is how they are, but my guess is that it’s partly down to us. A hungry animal in the wild won’t play with prey that might escape. However, a well-fed cat is more likely to and also mother cats will bring live prey for their kittens and let it go so the kittens get practice. Maybe we’re the kittens and we’re very slow to learn (my current cat once threw a rat in my face when I went to see what she was doing under the bed, fortunately a dead one), or maybe like dogs the adult pets are starting to behave like young ones.

    Cats do like to cause difficulty to other cats or to other creatures (dogs, humans) they’ve accepted as almost-cats. This is often a sort of game: I block your way or stare at you from a high place. Next time it could be you who has the jump on me. This often ends in something more obviously play – chasing one another around without any signs of real hostility. Not being pack animals like dogs, cats often look for some kind of hierarchy: we can be friends, but I’m top cat here, OK? It sounds to me like your cat wanted to be friends with you, but thought she, not you, was top.

  11. daisymae2017 says:

    I wouldn’t call my cat wicked. In fact, I honestly don’t recall my cat being wicked. Some people may think cats are wicked because they might attack them or something else but most of the time I think you will find that’s the instinct in cats to defend themselves. Any cats I’ve known weren’t wicked but were aggressive because they were defending themselves.

  12. Clare Hemington says:

    Although our cats our clever creatures, they haven’t yet evolved sufficiently to be ‘wicked.’ This is just a word that we’ve applied to some of their behaviours based on our interpretation of it’s meaning! Cats react to what’s going on around them ‘in the moment’ in a way that’s completely instinctive and natural for them. So if this means getting their claws out to defend themselves or opportunistically stealing the chicken sandwich we’ve prepared for our lunch, then so be it!

  13. Elaine Lively says:

    Once was visited by a fierce unpleasant cat..also when i volunteered at the Adoption Center there was one that was a real maniac..terrorized the other residents and not and scratched humans,he had to go elsewhere..

  14. Sandra says:

    I have a 17 lb apple head Siamese male cat, that will swipe at your legs when you walk by if he wants something like food or wants out, if you ignore him he will BITE, not a love bite, a real bite down and draw blood.

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