I wrote a blog post recently about adopting three kittens at one time from a rescuer friend in Romania. Seeing as I have already told you about Chai and Foxy, I simply can’t forget about our beautiful DeeDee.
Found the day after Foxy had been picked up from the streets in the middle of the night, DeeDee was spotted not far away the following night. Some supporters wondered if they might be sisters, but the vet thought DeeDee was a few weeks older. As things have turned out, DeeDee now weighs a whopping 6.6kg, while Foxy barely moves the scales at just 3.2kg, so I think the vet was right.
All three girls grew up together while Chai recovered from her terrible injuries. Then one day we noticed that DeeDee was reserved. She had been offered a home in Germany. We were always going to adopt Chai and not wishing to leave Foxy in the apartment on her own, we said we would take them both. Then just a few days later, I saw DeeDee being advertised again. I got in touch with my friend to be told that the home check had fallen through. Well… what could we do? The girls had spent months playing together and we didn’t want to split them up, so we said we would take all three.
DeeDee is a stunning cat and very photogenic. She loves playing with her Trixie mice and will often bring one to me while I’m working in the study. She retrieves like a dog too, as do several of our other cats. Taking on three rescues at once seemed rather overwhelming at first, but it was one of the best things we have ever done.
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Such wonderful stories are always worth reading 😀
Thank you! 🙂
Deedee is quite the stunner….a beautiful girl!
Thank you! I’ll tell her 🙂
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Thank you very much! 🙂
Could DeeDee share a pount or two with my tom who gets rather skinny lately?
pounD …
That’s what I keep saying here. Gremlin and Foxy could do with an extra pound or two and I joke about liposuction. I weigh the cats monthly and for the first time DeeDee has lost a bit, so we’re heading in the right direction 🙂
Beautiful baby!
She is a beautiful girl.
Good for you and those are awesome photos!
When we picked out Lena from her foster home, we met Richey, who had been her surrogate Mom since Lena had come in at the age of three months. When the foster mom told us Richey “waited hand and foot upon Lena,” my husband asked if he would be ok if we took Lena away. The foster mom said, “Well, it would be an adjustment for him.
We DID NOT want a male cat, but, of course, we took them both and fell in love with the pair. Richey was a good mother, he would wash Lena’s ears thoroughly, and if she squirmed or wiggled, he put his paw firmly on the top of her head to hold her still. I miss him, but Lena seems to have forgotten him and had no problem as long as i took over the ear cleaning and grooming (with a brush) duties. Her majesty seems to think such care is her “due.”
That is so sweet!
Thank you for taking them both 🙂
That’s very kind 🙂
My comment went in the wrong place. I said that is very kind of you 🙂
What a beautiful cat! 🙂
Lovely kitty pic!
She is drop dead gorgeous. I’m glad you were the ones to get her.
I’m just happy we were able to keep the three friends together 🙂
She’s purrrfectly beautiful.
DeeDee is a very beautiful cat. Sounds like she was lucky to have you adopt her.
I don’t know what it would have been like if she had gone to Germany. They certainly do adopt a lot of rescues from Eastern Europe. I think the three girls were meant to stay together though 🙂
she’s so pretty! <3
DeeDee is such a beauty <3
Stunning shots!
Thank you very much! 🙂
It is great to hang with people who like animals.
They love people too. Animals are great.I have two cats, one dog, and two parrots
That’s an amazing combination! 🙂
What a wonderful story! I wish so much I could adopt more, but I am simply not in a place – physically or financially – to do so at this point. I plan to in the future, though, as well as volunteering to foster as needed and as I have the room, finances, and energy for it 🙂
You can only do what you can. We used to have goats, but when we lost the last one to old age I knew I couldn’t cope with any more. It’s the same with the rescued battery hens. We’ve had them for twenty years, but are now down to our last two. I’m seriously considering not taking any more. Hens do have better lives now the old style cages have gone and we gave a few dozen a good life. Take care of yourself first 🙂
Very true 🙂 I promised myself I would never take on more than I could handle because I knew it would not be fair to them if I couldn’t give them what they needed and took them in anyway. I want to bring pets into my home to give them the best care and the best life possible, not a half-effort sort of care. They deserve more than that. Thanks very much for your kind words 🙂