Oliver & Nubia: Super-Pooh to the Rescue!

Hi everyone,

Today I am Super-Pooh the cat that saved the universe from the evil feather demons!


Nubia: None shall pass by me! Seek and DESTROY! 😀

Oliver: Really… You are never going to be able to get that thing while inside that box.

Nubia: What box? There is no box! This is my Super-Cat outfit!

Oliver: Right… well let’s start from the beginning and show the readers what’s been happening at Katzenworld HQ


Oliver: Our humans received this rather suspicious looking Animal Adventures Pet Photobooth the other day and of course they thought that us cats would be all over it straight away!


Oliver: So human…. You expect me to go in there?!?


Oliver: How gullible do you think I really am?!?


Oliver: Fine… I’ll take a look… Nope nothing interesting in here time to move on…

Nubia: BUT but! It looks like a lot of fun!!!

Oliver: You do it when…

Nubia: I shall! First I’ll be Super-Pooh!

Nubia: And there she was born! Super-Pooh the defender of the universe the mightest of all Meowjesties!

Oliver: Someone is a bit full of herself no…

Nubia: Ha and I am not even done yet!!!

Oliver: Oh lord have mercy with us…


Nubia: In my second role… I am an important cat movie model and today we are doing a scene in Hawaii! 😀

Oliver: It’s a bit hot in Hawaii no? Your fur might be in the way…

Nubia: Right right… I’ve still got my most important role coming up!


Nubia: I am THE Pooh! First space cat! I shall build a settlement on the moon and enslave all of the moon mice to be my servants!

Oliver: Earth to Nubia… It’s time for dinner!

Nubia: WHAT? I am missing dinner? Right before I dash off… if anyone wants to get their paws on one of these fun pet booths why not  head over to Amazon UK or Amazon US for your own amazing pet booth? 😀

Signed by,

His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace

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44 thoughts on “Oliver & Nubia: Super-Pooh to the Rescue!

  1. mvaden1948 says:

    Oh, dear Nubia, I can feel the trade winds blowing and the gentle strains of “sweet Leilani” drifting past my ears. Now we just need video of you doing the hula! Humans?

  2. Pingback: Oliver & Nubia: Super-Pooh to the Rescue! | My Health Selections

  3. elle superstar says:

    OMG, I LOVE this! I went online to see where I could get it, and can you believe the cheapest product + shipping to Canada that I could find was from New Zealand!!! $26 from a NZ company vs. $46!!! from a Canadian outlet. All the UK stores are sold out!

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