Your Friday Art Cat Speaks Out

Watercolor and Ink Drawing. MEOW. Carol Parker Mittal

Meow. The eloquent and versatile language of the feline. That one word can mean so much, like Aloha, or Ciao, that communicate both greeting and farewell. Watercolor and Ink Drawing. MEOW. Carol Parker MittalWith world events changing lives by the minute, your Friday Art Cat felt the need to say…something…anything…to express her anxiousness. So, whether in solidarity or disagreement, empathy or indifference, accept this hearty MEOW, and interpret it as you will. Peace to all beings.

I am an artist, teacher, and sometimes blogger. Please, check out my site at Art is Not for Sissies
Carol Parker Mittal


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14 thoughts on “Your Friday Art Cat Speaks Out

  1. Pingback: Your Friday Art Cat Speaks Out | My Health Selections

  2. 123mattyd says:

    We have a collection of vocal cats. Our Havana loves to back-chat when he’s being told off and has even started to chatter as he begins his mischief as if to say “yes I know I’m not supposed to be doing this but I’ll be finished in a minute so there’s no need to have a go at me”

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