Guest Star: Basty, the three legged cat

Hi everyone,

Today’s guest post comes from Silvia:

Basty, the three legged cat

Basty was found in the middle of nowhere with a broken paw. The paw was broken a long time ago and she couldn’t use it, her paw was just hanging.


(Basty, first day when she was found)


(Basty, first day at the vet)

Foster lady took her in and with a help of our small cat loving community we managed to raise money needed for the surgery, treatment and food.


(Basty, first day after the amputation)

The surgery went well, her paw was amputated and Basty started to recover. After a few days Basty was already accustomed to her new life on three legs. We waited for a wound to heal and then she was spayed. Basty was ready for her forever home.


(Basty in her foster home)

Basty, the three legged cat slow motion video:

Basty waited for her forever home for a long time, but one day one great family adopted her. Basty is now in her forever home, happy and cuddly cat. She normally lives on three legs and her new family loves her the way she is.


(Basty in her forever home)

PS: And we made this video, for all cats in the world 🙂

We hope you enjoyed her story and don’t forget to subscribe to our Newsletter!



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43 thoughts on “Guest Star: Basty, the three legged cat

  1. Laura (PA Pict) says:

    Basty is gorgeous! We have a three legged cat too but it was a rear leg that was amputated. As soon as we saw him at the adoption event, I knew he had to come home with us. It was fascinating to see how mobile she is without the front leg.

  2. TheStubbornGirl says:

    it makes me so happy to see stray’s find their forever homes… unfortunately there is no one to help me with my own predicament. i just found a stray last night, what should i do?

  3. Pingback: Spike The Scottish black cat

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