Purr-ly Whites: Does Your Cat Have Dental Disease?

Hi everyone,

Today we’ve teamed up with our friends from petco to provide you with their infographic series Purr-ly Whites on how to keep your cat’s teeth healthy.

This the second entry in the Purr-ly Whites series and looks at identifying the possible signs of dental disease:

pay attention to the signs

For further information check out their dental health page.

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23 thoughts on “Purr-ly Whites: Does Your Cat Have Dental Disease?

  1. The Canadian Cats says:

    Excellent tips! The drooling and refusing to eat were major signs with Shoko that something was amiss in her mouth. Sure enough she had 2 teeth that needing removal. The lethargy is a big one too. Kali has had most of her teeth removed, she is a messy eater and appears to have trouble eating at times. Even with her 4 teeth we are on the look out for gum problems but these Greenies for cats seem to be great.


  2. Michael Seidel says:

    I encountered these issues in several cats, and they’re symptoms of auto-immune issues. Tough treating it. Lost two of them due to side-effects of their steroid based medications. I learned from them, though. Although I know there is little ‘official’ information that grain in a cat’s diet causes or contributes to auto-immune and dental problems, eliminating grain from his diet and giving him a little L Lysine each day has virtually eliminated all of the symptoms.

    Excellent post. Cheers

  3. angela1313 says:

    I just talked with my vet this morning on this issue. Simba had three teeth removed a couple of years ago. The surgeon said it looked like she had been injured at some point but she also had a lot of gingivitis. She is on a careful diet to reduce inflammation since she also has allergies and that has helped. When she wants to touch noses I always do, that way I get to check her breath without bothering her. I never could convince her to let me brush her teeth LOL.

  4. Pingback: Does Your Cat Have Dental Disease? | My Health Selections

  5. Pingback: Dental care for cats… – Enjoying Life…

  6. Clare Hemington DipCAPBT says:

    This is very important information, thanks so much for sharing, Marc. Because cats are experts at hiding the signs of pain, dental problems can quite often go un-noticed. Other signs to look out for are general ‘out of character’ moodines or malaise and loss of grooming.

  7. Pingback: Bad breath? Not me! – Katzenworld

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