5 Reasons Why You Need to Visit a Cat Café

Everyone should visit a cat café at least once in their life. Not only do cat cafés support cat adoptions, but they are great for your heart and soul!

Last weekend, the hubby and I visited a magical land known as a cat café. Do you know of this wondrous land? Have you visited before and experienced all of its splendid glory?

Unfortunately, cat cafés are still few and far between in the U.S., but they appear to be gaining in popularity. We are lucky enough to live near a newly opened cat café, Crumbs & Whiskers. And for those who have yet to visit one, I would like to share with you what I witnessed at this enchanting place and provide five reasons to visit a cat café for yourself.

Won’t you please adopt me? I’m smiling all purdy-like for you.

1) Everyone else is just as excited to be there as you!

Yay for fellow cat lovers! A cat café is a place where everyone “gets you” and your love and passion for cats. In addition to all of the furry felines roaming around, the room is full of smiles, squeals and oohs and aahs. What an awesome environment!

When we arrived at Crumbs & Whiskers, the Los Angeles location (they are also in Washington DC), there was already a lineup of cat enthusiasts waiting to enter. Crumbs & Whiskers requires an online reservation and entrance fee to visit, and they recommend arriving 10 minutes early. That allows for learning the house rules and placing café orders, which is just a light snack at this location.

The welcoming committee, aka Hermione.

2) All cats are available for adoption

Karma Rescue is the partner for the Crumbs & Whiskers Los Angeles location. They pull cats from kill shelters in the L.A. area that are about to be euthanized. Crumbs & Whiskers likes to say that when you adopt a cat from the café, you’re saving two lives, not just one. Because by adopting, you’re freeing up space at the café for another cat to be pulled from a shelter. It’s a win-win!

At least one of the cats we visited with was already adopted and would be going home the following Wednesday. New cats are brought in each Wednesday as well, after the rescue knows how many were adopted out the previous week.

The lucky lady who was already adopted!

During our visit, there were 16 cats strolling about. The café usually has around 20, but they hadn’t “re-stocked” yet from the latest round of adoptions.

3) Cat café cats are chill

The friendly staff at the café are more than happy to answer your questions and explain any process, for instance, like how the cats come to the café. When the rescue goes to the shelter, they look for cats who are social and would do well in a café environment. And I have to say, the rescue obviously knows their stuff, as all of the cats were very social. However, if a cat doesn’t do well at the café, the cat goes to a foster home and never back to the shelter.

This cat is so chill that she doesn’t care if she has an audience while looking less than lady-like.

4) You get to play, pet and cuddle with cats

While you’re not allowed to pick up a cat (I assume this is a rule at most cat cafés), you can certainly find plenty to do with the cats. Like play, pet and, if you’re lucky enough, have a cat waltz over and settle in your lap. There was plenty of playing and petting, but alas, no cat chose my lap as a prime napping spot. I blame that more on the time of day than my perfectly comfy lap.

I booked our reservation for the first slot of the day, which I highly recommend. The cats are “fresh” and only a couple were snoozing (you’re not allowed to wake up a sleeping cat). If you go later in the day, I imagine there are more opportunities to have a cat wind up in your lap, as they settle in for their afternoon slumber.

“Oh yeah, lady, that’s the spot!”

Selfie time!

5) Photo ops aplenty

Obviously, the main reason to visit a cat café is because, you know, cats – which means there are plenty of opportunities to take pictures of those cats. So, for your viewing pleasure, I leave you with the beautiful cats of Crumbs & Whiskers. And check out the video at the very end!

Have you ever been to a cat café? If so, which one and how was your experience?

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35 thoughts on “5 Reasons Why You Need to Visit a Cat Café

  1. Pingback: 5 Reasons Why You Need to Visit a Cat Café – Rattiesforeverworldpresscom

  2. Pingback: Bucket List Item. Real. #1. Cat Cafe. – White Padded Room

  3. Hatchet says:

    I’m assuming they are fairly clean places. I am allergic to cats, but I want to go to one of these so bad. I’d leave with all the cats <3

  4. Pingback: 5 Reasons Why You Need to Visit a Cat Café – Site Title

  5. Pingback: 5 Reasons Why You Need to Visit a Cat Café – Orange You Glad I'm a Kitty

  6. Pingback: The Little Things That Bring Your Cat Joy – Katzenworld

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