Cool Sushi toys for Cool Kats!

Hi everyone,

We came across these wonderful and adorable sushi toys on Kickstarter the other day and just couldn’t resist sharing this with all of you! 😀

The campaign has mere days left to back it but don’t worry as it has already well exceeded its goal of $3000 and in fact by so much that it has unlocked a fair amount of their stretch goals!

We personally LOVE Kickstarter as it’s a great way of helping young businesses and entrepreneurs to get their idea of the ground and provide us consumers with great things at amazing introductory offers. 🙂

Behind this particular idea is Foodie Kat as per their Kickstarter Campaign this is how it all started:

The idea for Foodie Kat began with my love for food and my love for animals. I wanted to create food-themed toys that were simple in design, and fun for both pets and their humans. I mean, you’ve been to pet shops, how many pet toys can be called beautiful?

My goal was not only to make these toys attractive but to make them available at a great price as well. With your partnership, I can professionally manufacture this “Sushi” toy set and make the toys available for everyone!

Anyhow below are the campaign details so you can make up your mind if this is something you and your kitty would like. 😀


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About this project



Finally! A toy for the cat with a more refined culinary palate!

“Sushi” by Foodie Kat is a plush sushi toy set that will stimulate your kitty’s natural instincts to explore and play, and satisfy the need all cats have for a sophisticated and well-cultured experience.


These soft and durable toys are the perfect size for some serious play time by your favorite feline!

sushi cat

The Nigiri toys are each infused with a generous amount of catnip while the Maki toys come with a bell inside to offer a variety of fun entertainment.



Their design goal for the sushi set was to keep it simple. Simple designs are safe. They reduce the chances of tears, breaks, and choking. No need for fancy stitching, beads, paint, additional ink or printing designs which add to the cost and increase health risks for your cats.

Simple designs = high quality & low cost. 

These toys are made with felt and infused with catnip. It doesn’t get much simpler than that!

We hope you liked the look at this campaign! We personally can’t wait to get our paws on our own one. 😀



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31 thoughts on “Cool Sushi toys for Cool Kats!

    • Marc-André says:

      She may just need the right toy! At home I use toys made in Germany by friends of mine called 4Cats if you’d like to try them I can get you some at a friend discount. 😉

  1. Pingback: Sushi Toys for Cool Kats | My Health Selections

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