Guest Post: L?NA?I, HAWAI?I – The Cat Lover’s Paradise

Hi everyone,

Today’s guest post comes from Martina about the Lanai Cat Sanctuary.

The island just south of Maui and Moloka?i is home to a cat sanctuary housing more than 450 cats. Larry Ellison (cat lover and gazillionaire that owns 98% of the island) acquired this non-profit organization that was started to protect the native birds the feral cats were preying on. But let’s be honest here; today, it’s all for the cats. So much so that it’s become the # 1 rated attraction for the island on Trip Advisor.

The sanctuary is open daily and is free of charge. For more information, visit their website here: Lanai Cat Sanctuary, and then plan your trip! Lana?i’s Little Lions will thank you, and T Swift would approve.

We hope you enjoyed her guest post and don’t forget to check out her own Blog here.

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32 thoughts on “Guest Post: L?NA?I, HAWAI?I – The Cat Lover’s Paradise

  1. Pingback: Guest Post: L?NA?I, HAWAI?I – The Cat Lover’s Paradise | bcocoblog

  2. mvaden1948 says:

    I was last on Maui in 2004…the year they started. I used to go almost every year (now I travel much farther away…to Italy). I would love to visit here someday. The view from my lanai was of that island with the sun setting behind it.

  3. perpetuallybooked says:

    I’ve heard of this place and I’ve been plotting how I can get my husband and step-children to agree to island hop, so that we can check it out. I’m fearful that I will love it so much, that they’ll just have to leave me there!

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