#Infographic: Outdoor To Indoor Cats – Tips On Making The Change

Sometimes, cats that have previously enjoyed the freedom of the great outdoors suddenly have to adjust to the indoor lifestyle. In an ideal world, all indoor cats know no other existence, but this isn’t always possible. Things change. Cats may need to become indoor cats; here are just a handful of reasons why owners decide to start keeping their cats indoors:

  • Infection or disease – For example: FIV cats need to be kept indoors to protect other cats and reduce the risk of infections in cats with the virus.
  • Increased traffic risks in the area – the addition of new roads or extra housing being built
  • Threats – As seen with the Croydon cat killer and copycat killers or an increase of cats being poisoned in the area
  • Fighting with other cats in the neighbourhood
  • To protect wildlife – Some cats kill a lot of wildlife and it’s not uncommon for cat owners to decide to keep their pets indoors if their cat hunts frequently
  • Road deaths – Some owners who lose a cat to the road decide to keep other cats indoors to prevent further losses.
  • Wandering cats – Reduce the risk of cats going missing or finding new homes.


Making the Adjustment

If you decide to keep your cat indoors you’ll need to take the following actions.

1.Secure the home and inform all family members and regular visitors of the new system. Cats will try to escape so windows and doors will need to remain closed.

2.Check that the indoor plants are not toxic to cats. Replace any toxic plants with cat friendly alternatives.

3.Consider growing cat grass in a pot in the home for your cat to chew.

4.Litter trays are essential to prevent accidental messes. Place the tray in a quiet area that’s away from where your cat eats. Try different types of litter if your cat isn’t using the tray, they may prefer a soft litter if they’re used to using the garden.

5.Add scratching posts to protect your furniture and to allow your cat to exercise their claws.

6.Activity trees are excellent as they help to prevent boredom and encourage exercise.

7.Bring additional toys into the home, swapping them regularly to prevent boredom and to encourage your cat to move. Look for toys that involve grabbing, biting, pouncing and running.

8.Consider adding a cat containment system to the outside of your home to allow your cat extra space without increasing risks. There are plenty of customisable enclosures available including cat balconies and catios.

9.Safe zones are required so your cat can find a comforting area when feeling stressed or scared. Place covered boxes (cardboard boxes are ideal but you could also use a cat kennel or covered cat beds).

10.Spend time playing with your cat and encouraging activity and movement.


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18 thoughts on “#Infographic: Outdoor To Indoor Cats – Tips On Making The Change

  1. saywhatumean2say says:

    My contribution to this very hard process…is also get some XanaX for yourself….catz canz be difficult during any change and if you had an outdoor hunter in its prime….while it may just luvz the indoorz; it will ALWAYZ wantz to go back outz’ even if it immediately wantz to comez back INZ…and don’t count on that! ~~dru~~

  2. foguth says:

    Am reblogging this…. Due to health issues, one of my followers is convincing her cat to live indoors – and having more success giving it medicine! I don’t know about you, but in my experience, keeping the door closed is easier than sneaking meds into the diet….

  3. Pingback: Tips on Making your Cat an Indoor Cat – Jeanne Foguth's Blog

  4. puzzlesofthesoul says:

    Excellent advice. My cats are indoor still they are intrigued as you would expect as to what is on the other side of the door. Best way to keep them in is closed doors. I supervise them when they go on the balcony for fresh air they love this. I have fly-wire netting on my windows and doors this also keep them in and lets the fresh air into the house. I used to have their mother as the kittens were still feeding when they came to me. I had to give her back to the owner as she could not cope with living on the 11th floor apartment at the time and she screamed often morning until night or night until morning because she could not go out and about. The kittens were fine they knew no different. It was heartbreaking to give her back but it was the kindest in the long run.

  5. janet richardson says:

    Can anyone help with the reverse problem. I have 3 cats and they now go out into the garden, however one of the cats wont toilet outside and comes in to use the litter tray. If the tray isnt there, she will just go on the floor where it should be. I have put the tray by the back door – I have put cat litter on the ground behind bushes and left a trail from the front of the garden to secluded spots. If the trays arent there the other two cats go in the garden, but because the trays are there, they too prefer or think they should use them. I am fed up with the smell and constant cleaning of trays – any suggestions would be gratefully received.

    • protectapet says:

      I am asked this question regularly and haven’t found a good solution but if you do then please let me know 🙂 X

  6. Pingback: moving again | Hangaku Gozen

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