This is part 2 on our visit to the National Pet Show in London last month. We’ve been a but buy here at Kantzenworld but we’ve now got time to continue with more on the event.
It was good to see our friends Lizanne and Samantha from Tigga Towers again after we saw them at the Birmingham event last year. Here they are with their impressive display of quality towers for kitties to curl up on. Oliver and Nubia have been nagging us to get them one. Nubia says the main requirement is to have two baskets at exactly the same height.
It’s not just about towers, it’s all about what’s on the top of the towers – or hanging off them. There’s also some cozy looking beds too.
And here we found someone making themselves quite at home on one of the towers. Isn’t she sweet!!
Oliver and Nubia were lucky enough to receive one of Tigga Towers new memory foam pillows. Look out for a posting on that soon when you’ll see Oliver making himself at home.
Now, our two little ones stay in the house with the occasional little visit on the balcony to sample the sights and smells of the outside world. We’d love to have a garden for Oli and Nubia to explore but at the same time we wouldn’t want then to go too far or to have to deal with neighbour’s pets. At the show this year, we saw a solution to this in a company called ProtectaPet. Simon and Eve (see below), explained how their various fences, enclosures and balconies keep your loved ones safe both from roaming too far and also from other cats, while enjoying an outdoor space. From fence top barriers to full enclosures, ProtectaPet can advise you on solutions no matter how big or small your space is. If you have two left thumbs when it comes to DIY skills like me, the team are also able to do install their products – though if your game they have video tutorials online to show you how.
When we move to a place with a garden outside London, we’ll be sure to look them up.
If you want t you little one to become a star and make some unique gifts at the same time, check out Petlandia. Using the latest technology, they can turn your pet into the star taking centre stage in an adventure story with a happy ending. The printed book of delightful illustrations features both the cat (or dog) and owners name to make a unique gift idea.
There was no disappointment at this years show for cat lovers’ gifts. I caught site of a stall with some very interesting mugs, tea pots and more. Jazzy & Jeff’s Furrtastic Emporium (Facebook page) show cases the work of artist Emily, whose chance encounter with a feline reincarnation of the late singer Jim Morrison in a Parisian cemetery inspired her to create some unique feline ceramic sculptures. Emily also takes commissions so you can have your cat (or other pet) immortalised for yourself or as a gift. As if she was talented enough, Emily is also an illustrator and some of her work was also on show. The lovely mugs and teapots also feature her work. If you don’t have a shelve for a cat sculpture, there’s always the brooches…
Walking around the various displays at the Pet Show, there was so much to take in with the eyes. Of course we’re a little bit biased when it comes to all things cat related but something that never fails to catch our eyes are the cat teasers over at the Bobblelicious Boutique stall. This year it seems they’ve expanded their range even more to include all manner of fancy feather and ribbon toys to entertain your kitty. You may remember that Nubia was very happy when we returned from last years show with one of these handmade toys (here). It’s still one of her favourites but we usually save it for Sunday Best.
We were lucky enough to meet one of the chief toy testers, Bowie. He was just one of the very few kitties we actually got to see at this years event.
The National Pet Show is not just about buying the latest toys for your kitties. There were a number presentations throughout the day covering subjects such as how to groom your cat, socialise a kitten and deciding on the right cat for you. We made sure that we were in front row to see former TV vet Emma Milne‘s talk on keeping cats happy by paying attention to the important basics of food and water. We learnt a lot of useful facts about what you offer your cats and, just as importantly, how you do so can have a big impact on a cat’s wellbeing. Emma explained that it’s necessary to look at how cats evolved and take this in to account when providing their living essesntials to reduce the amount of stress. One thing we’ll certainly take away is the fact that cats don’t really like to share so we’ll be putting out more food bowls so that Oliver and Nubia can help themselves at the same time when they want.
Emma has also been writing a series of books “The Pet Detective” series, aimed at 7-12 year olds to help them (and their parents) decide if the pet they desire would be suitable for them before they buy them. Rather than being just dry facts, there are sections for the reader to do some fact finding and cartoons and pictures to keep them entertained.
You may have seen in our previous posts about subscription boxes for your furry friends. At this years show we were happy to meet Jenny from CatPacks and learn about how her desire to provide a source of good cat products lead to her to create this service. We were glad to meet more people who share our thoughts on the need to make sure that your kitties get the type of food their bodies actually need. As well as the monthly subscription or one of boxes, CatPacks offers a range of top quality food, treats, toys and other cat related items for cats and cat lovers. Look out for Oliver and Nubia’s review of the monthly Club CatPacks box.
On the subject of food, we got a chance to meet our friends over at Burgess so we could go and say a personal thank you for the pack they kindly sent for Oliver and Nubia to try (see here). Surprisingly they polishes the whole bag off. Oliver asked me why they weren’t wearing cat ears. Not everything revolves around cats Oli!! Nearly everything…
We hope you enjoyed our look at the Pet Show! We shall be back soon with other pet shows.
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I want a cat teapot. And a comfy tower for my boys, and… 🙂
Haha! Yeah those are dangerous for the wallet. 😮
I NEED that cat umbrella from Part One!
You can still get these here: 😀
Thank you!
You are welcome 🙂
Thank heaven I didn’t go, I’d be broke! I want a teapot too. That cutie modeling the nice bed, any idea what breed? Those ears are wicked cool!
That’s a Peterbald :). The ears are also found in the oriental cat breed (“modern” version. Much removed from the look of the original ancestors of this breed)
She seems to have a nice coat though, rather than the sphynx type of hair. zo pretty.
Yeah. They have very short fur but there is still fur! 😮
Very cute cat! Lovely!
Thanks. 🙂
I want everthing 😛
But especially the little special friend making herself comfy on the tower: pure love <3 <3 <3
Interesante Blog.
Danke 🙂