Purrsday Poetry: Dreams of an ex-stray

Hi everyone,

Today’s Purrsday Poetry post comes from niloj – A poem paints a picture:

Dreams of an ex-stray

I’m snoring
I’m dreaming that I’m curled up in bed.
My tummy bulges in a vulgar way.
I’m dreaming that I’m snug I’m safe I’m clean.
I wish that when I awake the dream doesn’t end.

But I’m sure that the dream doesn’t end!
Cos I’m an ex-stray.
I’m snoring and my tummy bulges in a vulgar way.

To visit the author’s Blog please click here.

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18 thoughts on “Purrsday Poetry: Dreams of an ex-stray

  1. lawjic says:

    Could be better, but you are well on your way to being a renowned published Poet. Be sure to protect your intellectual property needs, as people will steal your poems and call them their own. Please copy wright everything you post to prevent this from happening. Really awesome job on this piece: when it touches our hearts, I know it has great potential!

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