Hi everyone,
It’s Nubia here today, for some reason my humans decided to force me to wear this PINK jacket the other day… At first I really didn’t like it and they kept saying that they need to get me used to it indoors first. But hold on indoors? I only live indoors! What are they talking about. 😮
Nubia: This is far too girly…
Nubia: I tried wiggling out but eventually the hoomins managed to put it on properly and I stopped resisting. 😮
Nubia: But the surprise was even bigger! Had I known that we were going on an outdoor adventure I would not have resisted in the first place!!! GRASS, GREEN. <3
Nubia: Oh! It’s the funny coloured cat that I normally only see from my window… Hope he stays over there out of reach.
Nubia: The question is what to do next…
Nubia: I wonder what’s over there… Let’s go check it out!
Nubia: A wall in the great outdoors? Really! Well I do hear a dog behind there… so maybe I shouldn’t jump over o.o
Nubia: Time to go back in!
Oliver: Where have you been Nubia! I was worried!
Nubia: Outdoors! 😀
Oliver: In the great horrible scary world? Well good I was forgotten inside…
Nubia: You never know… You might be next!
In the meantime let me tell you where to find this. The jacket is called the Butterfly Cat jacket and each one is hand-made for your cat. Because I only have three paws the lady even adjusted it a bit for me. <3
Now you may be thinking but why would you want to take your cat out on a harness and leash… Well unfortunately the world isn’t as safe for us as it should be. Walking us on a harness is a great option for those indoor cats like myself that would like to go out every now and when but can’t due to safety concerns.
Each jacket can be put securely on us with strong and adjustable velcro and the leash gets connected to a strong metal d-ring.
If you’d like to buy one for your own feline companion these are available from their website for £12.
That’s it for now and don’t forget to sign-up for our Newsletter here.
Signed by,
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Destroyer of Peace
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Hi Marc-André THAT is a great idea! Since years we decided to to let our cats out anymore… in one week disapeared 6 of them which usually did come to feed in our home which was always open to stray cats. We are sure the finished in a pan since not very far from where we live is a ignoble person eating cats. Yes, you got it right. Awful and disgusting, but we don’t have any proof to take him in court.
We prefered to keep our friends inside and fortunately we own a big house… actually a couple of them would like to go outside (we can tell since they always look at the feral cats coming to eat lunch & dinner outside in the patio). I’ll give a look at the website… Have a lovely day :-)claudine
In the middle ages people ate cats and dogs in Europe, too. Especially in times when food was scarce.
Yes, but thousand of years are gone by and we are not anymore in the middle ages! Such bastards should be punished… especially since they know that these animals have families loving them deeply… 🙁 claudine
Stealing an animal is NEVER ok, I did not want to excuse that. It’s just – even though I’d never dream of eating dog or cat – he is not more of a villain for killing a dog or a cat than he would be of killing a neighbour’s lamb or pet rabbit.
This is why I’m vegetarian (almost vegan, but once in a while I eat a little piece of cheese). Have a lovely week end :-)c
No need to go back that far. I know from my grandfather that in the hunger winter of 1946 quite a few (stray) cats ended up as family dinner. BUT (big but!) this was to give food to a starving family. And the family often didn’t know, thinking it was another rabbit.
In the middle ages, when living in a beleaguered town, people ate cats and dogs to avoid death by starvation, too.
Oh no!!! So sorry to hear about your cats.
And yes their harnesses are brilliant. 🙂
Nubia doesn’t look too happy, poor thing.
But I bet she’ll get used to her outdoor trip soon and will enjoy them.
This was the first time we took her out. Nowadays she associates the harness with the outside, birds, grass etc and pushes herself into it LOL.
I do think though that it is much easier to train cats to wear a harness for outside if you start with them as a kitten. In an ideal world all cats should be allowed freely outside but alas that isn’t possible… especially not in busy and dangerous (road wise) areas. 🙁
Our cat also was an indoor tiger because of a busy road nearby. She wasn’t very adventurous though, so it wasn’t a problem for her
Nubia used to be an outdoor cat before we adopted her. But as she lost a paw during an adventure and a car the charity strongly recommended to not ever let her out alone.
Oliver came from an indoor only house before we adopted him so the great outdoors is a bit frightening to him 😮
Nubia looks beautiful, the pink against her black fur, but as much as I ‘d like to dress my cats, I don’t think any of us would be very happy…great post with lovely pictures, thank you!
I’d not ever dress them up as such. Only for the going out harness. 🙂
Living in a flat means that with busy roads around means it’s not safe for them to be out on their own 🙁
Well plans are to move to a place with a garden soon so fingers crossed for us. 😉
Absolutely fingers crossed! I had a lovely Burmese when I was a little girl who would let me dress him in dolls clothes which is what I meant by dressing up…! Unfortunately(for me perhaps!) my current girls won’t entertain anything like that! I love the practicality and safety behind harnesses though, Charlie will wear a harness but the others protest violently….great post, thank you!
Angel (as you may know 🙂 ) Doesn’t mind being dressed up at all by Lisa. I think it’s all down to how early they get used to those things.
And after all there are naked cats that need little coats in the winter time haha xD
I take my cat for a walk too! I’m so happy we are not the only ones. The thing is we don’t have a detachable lead x
Detachable leads make it easier 🙂 and yes here are plenty of people with cats on leads nowadays. It’s all about the training. ^^
Nubia is really pretty. Murrli would not wear clothes as she would run as soon as you approach her with anything that would restrict her in any way – or she thinks would restrict her. 🙂
Haha xD. Oliver is a bit like that. He still managed to have an outdoor adventure but not as successful as Nubia 😉
What a smart jacket, I would love to have one for my cats to take them outside for a walk. I have tried a collar and lead and not very successful indoors so outdoors is out of the question and now it is too hot for them to walk outside burn their little paws.
Collars are not secure enough with cats and may cause them pain around their neck if used with a lead. Once the weather is cooler I would try a harness. 🙂
I was not liking where that was going for a moment. No, then you went out side! NNNOOO! Jamima gets to visit the backyard most days to get a nosh on some salad (grass) but it’s enclosed and no chance I can escape. No longer so interested in jumping fences…….it’s so nice inside and I have a lovely view outside from all the windows. The things that flutter outside make me anxious and I’m safe from the steady stream of pets on leashes that parade past every day. Otherwise, if I stay on the bed sooner or later my mum comes back to me!
Nubia looks real pretty in that jacket.My two run away from any kind of harness,unfortunately.
Thank you ^^
I have been thinking to get something like this so our babies can have outdoor adventures. This looks great! It looks like it wouldn’t be too uncomfortable like a regular harness.
The way these are made they are secure but don’t need to be too tight. The earlier you can train them the better!
ok that’s it. I’m buying 2!! They look great and good if you have a chunky cat that needs to lose weight.
Hehe 😀
What a clever and stylish jacket!
Thanks 🙂
Nubia looks gorgeous, as usual, though I think she’d rather be carried around than walk! 🙂
Thank you 😀 and yes she does prefer being carried at least until the grass LOL
Purrseidon is thrilled for you. .. she also loves your pink jacket – she has almost outgrown her own pink one, but that is a ife-jacket, not one of her harnesses. … She says that if you get a chance, find a tree to climb … birds live in them, but baby birds are horribly ugly, so don’t be scared if you see a baby bird.
Oliver tried to drag me up a tree on his own adventure… That’s coming in a few weeks haha xD
Purrseidon likes to climb the small oak (it’s about 10 years old) in the back yard, and will occasionally climb a tree when on a walk, but she’s usually good about coming down when called…. did get stuck in her own oak a couple times…. that was when she was learning to climb.
Oliver is great at getting up on places but not so good at getting down…. Sometimes I wonder if he is afraid of heights lok
Purrseidon loves to climb and is learning to climb our oak tree. She’s needed to be rescued a couple times. We suspect that moving upward is easier than downward, but aren’t sure why. For that matter, I prefer to climb up mountains than descend, so this could be something similar.
Hmmm you made me think there. Even certain types of stairs seem easier upwards than downwards. And in fact there were a few in Japan that were so steep it was easier to decent backwards lol ?
I’ve encountered a few flights of stairs that were at such a steep angle that it felt like I was about to fall down, but it didn’t bother me to climb them…. wasn’t smart enough to think about going down backwards.
Haha xD it only occurred to me after almost falling off…
I know exactly how you felt!
Great idea. I need to look into something like this for Satchi. He’s constantly trying to escape outside. Given that last time he was outdoors he ended up losing a leg (and then getting adopted by us) you would think he had more sense. A harness and lead would allow us to take him for a stroll in the garden. Peanut has no interest in going outside except I bet he found want to follow Satchi. Two harnesses to investigate then.
This is precisely our problem with Nubia. Without the harness we would fear she may loose another leg 🙁
Merlin loves going out and meows to go outside at least once a day. It took time and patience to go through the process of him, at the age of six, getting used to being in a harness and having his slave walk him. Now, my little girl, Rhiannon meows to go out. They are getting more exercise, have alone time with their slave woman (I take them out separately unless my mate is home), and it relieves boredom. Both kitties are so much happier, except when a scary plane or truck goes by!
Glad it’s worked for you as well! 🙂
That is much more stylish than my kitty’s harness. The shelter we adopted him from said he had been rescued from a feral colony (he was about 8 months when we got him) so he was still a kitten. He liked being inside, but would occasionally try to follow us outside. A harness is a great way for him to safely get a taste of outside. If we bring him out enough on the leash, he doesn’t try to sneak out on his own.
I wonder if one day it’ll be as common to see cats on leads in cities as it is to see dogs. While of course I too think cats should have the freedom to choose to go outside its just not safe to do so for many of us so a harness is a great alternative
Interesting question. I know when Goose goes out on his lead, I have to go where he wants. I have yet to find a way to get him to walk where I want him t.
That’s indeed a problem if the wanting to go somewhere drags you up a tree lol
Thanks ^^
awwwww so sweet!
LOVE this post!! 🙂
Thank you ^^
Oh you look so lovely!! ?(But just between us kats, I’d shred my human if they tried to put one of those on me)!
LOL. Not even if it was camouflage?
Hmm…. *thinking*- uh – no!!
Pink camouflage?!?
Well now, THAT I would wear!!?
Stay tuned in that case. Oli may have a surprise in a few weeks 😉
? Dude!! I love surprises!!! (When they don’t involve Creatures coming within 12 miles of me- or the vet)!!
How about a vet wearing a Hawaiian shirt? That seems to calm down Mr Oli ?
Hmm – must have nip in the front picket!!?
Haha maybe xD
You look great in your jacket, Nubia. We think it really suits you. And if it means by wearing one you get to go outside, then it’s not so bad, right?
Thanks 😀 and yes she enjoys her garden trips ^^
You look very pretty Nubia. Isn’t grass wonderful? Have you seen any bird?
Luckily no birds or I would have been dragged up a tree LOL
Very stylish, you look great.
Thank you ^^
Reblogged this on ravenhawks' magazine and commented:
Oh I like those little vest
Thanks 🙂
Just bought a harness yesterday! Now we shall see!
Let us know how you get on 🙂
I’d love to get this for my next kitty.
It’s great! *^
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