Guest Star: How Dodger Became a Cat Icon

Hello everyone.

Today’s guest post has been sent in by Cat who would like to tell us the story of how Dodger became a cat icon.

Dodger dropped into our lives one bone chilling night fifteen years ago, a hypothermic skeleton covered with black fluff.  We lived on the periphery of the city at that time.  It wasn’t long before a highway was built behind our house and a tall sound wall was constructed at the property line.

Following one especially riotous weekend night of sirens and auto pursuits, Dodger was dumped over the sound wall, just before Thanksgiving Day.  I heard him, a terrified mewling from the backyard.

Wrapped in my winter gear and with a flashlight in hand, I ventured outside to seek the source of the terrible caterwauling.

The sound emanated from beneath the mini-barn in our backyard.

A green-eyed kitten, puffed and hissed as the beam from my flashlight stroked his fur. He jumped back into the dank depths escaping my reach, and that’s where he lived, for a while.

For two days I coaxed him with food, until he finally emerged with all the rancor of a hungry mountain lion, unapproachable and wild.  Eventually, a kinship developed between us, until one day, Dodger became family.

Two years later, fed up with city encroachment, we moved to quiet solitude in the mountains.


Not quite barn cat, nor a lap cat, Dodger exists in his own catundrum straddling two worlds, wild versus tame.

To Dodger, living in the mountains is heaven on earth!

Like the legendary Saint Patrick, Dodger banished snakes from our new land.

He duelled with a murder of crows and lived to tell the tale.


When neighbouring dogs and cats threw down the gauntlet, Dodger calmly took it up. With one swipe of his razor sharp claws, the confrontation was over before it hardly began, the challenger slinking away with its tail between its legs.


One morning, as Dodger made his pre-dawn rounds, a sassy white tail flicked enticingly, and then another . . . and another.  He stumbled and gasped in disbelief.  The land was covered with brown, Cottontail rabbits of every size, grazing and hopping.

CottontailRabbitCould one cat stop the furry plague from invading his realm?

“Realm?”  The idea began to take shape in his mind.


It was Sunday, a blessed day of rest after a long night of cleaning out pesky mice, wrangling raccoons and dodging carousing coyotes.

Dodger rested atop his favourite stump in majestic repose, puffed against the dawn’s biting chill and squinting at the rays of the rising sun.  Mist rose from the ground, fogging everything with fuzzy pink hues.

A sleek, long-legged beauty with doe eyes, roaming the fringes of the day, paid him court.

The deer was enchanting.  Dodger was mesmerized.

When the magical moment passed, Dodger realized he had finally conquered the wilderness.


He was king of the outdoors and all things wild!

There’s something about Dodger . . . his adventures make great cat stories!

When you visit you will see a cat icon in your browser tab and a row of the same cat icon in the website header.  Originating from Dodger’s portrait, the cat icon retained all the emotion of the portrait.

A special recipe for Black Cat Cookies was developed, based on Dodger’s cat icon; they are delicious!

Now, Dodger’s cat icon piques cat loving visitor’s curiosity and draws them in . . . soon they are lost . . .  in a cat story!

About the Guest Author

Dodger is the inspiration for  Author of the Road Trip Explore! series, Cat McMahon is a wordsmith who enjoys outdoor discovery, culinary explorations, her cats and making memories with her family.
When she’s not in the kitchen cooking up mouthwatering recipes for, she’s on the road photographing nature’s amazing wonders for

Cat McMahon lives with her family in a craggy wilderness off the slopes of the Cascade Range in the Pacific Northwest, USA.

You can find Cat McMahon on:  Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Bloglovin, Amazon Author’s Central and GoodReads.


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Thank you Cat for sharing his story.

If you want to send in your cat stories, just drop us an email at Don’t forget to include some pictures.

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49 thoughts on “Guest Star: How Dodger Became a Cat Icon

    • Cat McMahon says:

      Dear Daisy, Thank you for the kind compliment. Dodger and I are happy you enjoyed his story. Like you, I can’t wrap my mind around the concept of how cruel humans can to each other, let alone to innocents like beautiful furry creatures; neither can Dodger. We’re so glad you love life! Purrs, Cat McMahon

  1. floridaborne says:

    Beautiful kitty. I’ve fed several that were half-feral and half-tame. They have trust issues all their lives, but you don’t love them any less.

    I checked out your gluten free website. I’ll be following it. 🙂

    • Cat McMahon says:

      Dear Daisy, Thank you for the kind compliment. I’m glad you enjoyed Dodger’s Story. Like you, I can’t wrap my mind around how humans can be so cruel to each other, let alone to beautiful furry creatures . . . neither can Dodger! The world is blessed to have someone like you who loves life so much. Purrs, Cat McMahon

    • Cat McMahon says:

      Dodger’s been called “gorgeous” and now you call him “beautiful”! He used to think of himself as plain old “handsome”. Now, there will be no living with him! You’re right about the trust issues; I think because tame ferrals are so compromised we tend to love them more to make up for the previous deficiencies in their lives. They need lots more reassurance than normal. Thank you so much for being there for those cats who cross the path of your life. I’m looking forward to connecting with you over at Purrs, Cat McMahon

    • Cat McMahon says:

      Dear Lois, I’ve often pondered that same question. I don’t understand cruelty for abdicating responsibility that leads to abandonment. Fortunately, the world is filled with kind hearts and I’m glad you’re one of them. We’re happy Dodger is with us, too. Yes, he’s quite a guy! Purrs, Cat McMahon

    • Cat McMahon says:

      Dear Linda, Dodger’s purrs just turned into rumbles; he’s soaking up all that cat lovin’ praise! It’s my pleasure to share about Dodger with you. Knowing we somehow made the world a better place for someone, even for a moment, makes our day a happy one. Purrs, Cat McMahon

  2. Cat McMahon says:

    Dear Marc and the rest of the gang at Katzenworld Blog, Thank you so much for publishing Dodger’s story. I’ve enjoyed our budding new friendship and look forward to many wonderful things to come in the years ahead. In the meantime, Dodger and I wish you all the success in the world! Kindest regards, Cat McMahon and Dodger

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