Fun things to do with your cat photos!

Hi everyone,

As an extra special idea for things to do with the photos of our two, I decided to turn two of my favourite shots of Oliver & Nubia into photo cushions for the sofa. 😀


What do you think of them on the sofa? 😀

These two were created using Snapfish! We picked the 17×17 for this project, the price per cushion is £24.99 but there are often Discount Codes available to bring this down a little. 😀 It’s worth keeping an eye on their Discount page here.

To give you an idea of the original photos check them out below!


Nubia sure looks like she could swallow one hole on this photo… 😮


And yes I decided to turn Oliver’s cushion because I thought it looked cuter looking at his sister yawn on the photo of the cushions haha!

Which one is your favourite of the two? 😉 These are again photos that were taken for us by Ian McGlasham.

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41 thoughts on “Fun things to do with your cat photos!

  1. crystaleagle24 says:

    Nice, I ordered two cushions from snapfish last year, didn’t have cats on them though. Was very pleased with the results.

  2. portapatetcormagis says:

    We have such a cushion featuring our late Rübe and we really enjoy it 🙂 They’re available from nearly every company doing T-shirt prints also.

    I like the one of Nubia. Is she trying to eat her ears? 😀

  3. mvaden1948 says:

    Great shots and great pillows. I had a fleece blanket (that I take with me to chemo) with Diavolo. It didn’t turn out as clear (they warned me it wouldn’t) because it was my black cat on a dark blue chair…but I know what it is and it’s a comfort to have him with me every Wednesday. I did it when their $69.99 blanket was on sale for $27.99!

      • mvaden1948 says:

        Snapfish is really good about that. If the computer reads that the photo you’ve chosen might not be optimum for the project they give you the option of choosing another photo or continuing. And they have great sales. I’m okay with my blanket because I know what the picture is and it gives me the comfort of having Diavolo with me at tne treatment center. And no one laughs at the grown woman and her blankie. Although they did laugh, in sympathy, as I was sitting in the lobby trying to figure out how to answer my new smartphone.

  4. greg-in-washington says:

    The photo cushions look like fun. I think if they were swapped left to right they would not be so effective. It looks like Nubia is snarling at Oliver like you intended. I think I like Oliver better as it gives a more “peaceful” feeling. Nubia’s photo looks like a poster for Stephen King’s “Pet Sematary” film. You just need to add the text!

  5. Pingback: Fun things to do with your cat photos! | Angel's Life

  6. weggieboy says:

    My cats grace shopping bags; coffee mugs; framed enlargements (favorite photos for the front room walls!); and business cards with my name, email address, WordPress blog link, and You Tube channel name. The latter started as a joke (“funny business” cards) but proved very helpful advertisements for where to find me on the Internet.

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