Traveling in your twenties is quite the thrill. Traveling in your twenties with a cat, however, is quite the elaborate trick; one that Paul and I would somehow have to figure out. In two weeks!
I say two weeks because that’s how long I was given to pack up my comfortable life in North Carolina and fly to Kathmandu, Nepal.
What would you do? If you thought you were going to live away from home for two+ years, would you take your furbaby with you?
I thought so. After all, Yoda is our pride and joy; and quite frankly, I couldn’t imagine living or traveling without him. Cats have always been an integral part of my life, especially growing up. But enough about me, the real superstar of this show is Yoda.
It’s because of Yoda that Paul and I even started our own cat blog, Fluffy Kitty. Yoda’s a kitty and he’s fluffy (you should see the curls under his tummy) so put two and two together and there you go – a snazzy name for an obvious genre of blog.
So, this is the story of our Yoda.
We first laid eyes on our handsome boy in July 2014, just after returning home from a year in France. He was officially ours just a few days later. Adopted at 10 weeks, Yoda quickly became exposed to the hustle and bustle that is our lifestyle. Car rides, public parks, other pets, walking on a leash, Yoda was a kitten who grew up learning to adapt to mostly everything. This was put to the test one year later.
It’s July 2015. I’ve got a whole notebook of “things to do” before leaving to Kathmandu, and getting Yoda all squared to go made up the majority of that list. Vet appointments, international health certificates, signatures, FedEx, airline regulations, oh I mean it felt like a two-week long adventurous nightmare.
Yoda and I’s first flight was national, meaning that he could fly in-cabin with me. Yoda’s cage was an inch too tall to fit under the seat. “Oh no..,” I thought. “Ma’am, if you can’t fit that cage under that seat we’re going to have to ask you to reschedule your flight.” “Don’t worry, I’ll make it fit,” I said with a smile.
And sure enough I did. Yoda didn’t make a peep the entire way. By the way, if you’ve ever wondered what it feels like to be a celebrity, simply walk through an airport with a pet carrier displaying stickers reading “LIVE ANIMALS” written in bright green letters.
We spent all night in the Philadelphia airport. Forget sleep. I was so worried about Yoda that I’d go in the biggest stall of the bathroom every 30 minutes to let him out. I took a bunch of toilet paper and poured some cat litter I had in a small Ziploc bag in the middle to try and make him go potty. Little did I know at the time that Yoda wouldn’t go pee until 3 whole days later (due to lack of finding a litter box in pet shops in Kathmandu, I ended up making one from a cardboard box). Can you imagine the relief? Wow.
After thirty-six brutal hours of traveling, Yoda and I finally landed in Kathmandu, Nepal. When we were reunited again he let me know he was alright by licking my finger when I poked it through the front door to his carrier.
One insane drive through Kathmandu later, we found ourselves in our new empty room. I wish I could know what he was thinking at that time, but I imagine it was similar to what I was thinking, “What the hell just happened?” Two weeks of crazy life happened, Yoda. Something he knows a little too well now I think, after living here for nearly eight months.
Together we’ve done many exciting and scary things since being here! For example, running out of the house because of a terrifying earthquake tremor; riding three on the bicycle on the busiest road in Kathmandu; moving out of that old room to a new one (just recently); experiencing the Nepali vet care; catching fleas (only Yoda ^^) and struggling for months to get rid of them; discovering what it means to take a bucket bath (Yoda included!); getting sick from eating bad food (expired cat food for Yoda, food poisoning for us); and the list doesn’t end there.
Traveling in your twenties is exciting. Traveling in your twenties with a cat is an adventure!
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I am so glad he took it so well. Cats are usually territorial and hate travelling. But when you don’t travel but move house that is something different.
Yes you are right! While Yoda gets territorial (over his parents ^^), he is quite the little traveler. Purrfect for our lifestyle! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. 🙂
Travels with Yoda sounds magnificent. Write a book.
All the best. Kris.
P.S. … I have a cat called One-eyed Dave. He says hi.
Hi Kris, hi One-eyed Dave! I actually would LOVE to write a book one day, so thanks for the encouragement! See you soon on your blog.
Best wishes,
Brittany, Paul, & Yoda
An adventure indeed!
Agreed! Haha. Thank you for reading!
oh what an adventure – have you ever heard of diatomaceous earth? not sure if it would work on cats, but we use it for dogs for so many things – just an idea.
Hey there! Yes actually we only WISHED we could have found diatomaceous earth here in Nepal. Cat care is not as developed here yet. We eventually had to get a flea collar from France, and since then Yoda has been flea free. 🙂
glad the collar worked- and sorry you cannot get DE – but have other things to enjoy – and thanks for the reply!
Reblogged ???
Thanks so much, ninja network! : )
Yoda the luckiest cat all over the word. Globe trotter cat. Then only moon or Mars will be missing for this amazing cat.
Haha, who knows.. in 200 years there could be tickets to Mars for humans & their pets hehe. =^^= Thanks for sharing!
Reblogged this on Br Andrew's Muses and commented:
Ha ha, my wife and I shall shortly be travelling with our pet wheelchair – we have never dared do so before but I hope we have as much fun as Yoda
Thanks for your support! We are glad you enjoyed the post. We wish you the best of luck for your future travels!
What a beautiful cat, lovely to hear about Yoda’s travelling adventures!
Hello! Thanks very much for your sweet comment. Yoda is indeed quite the handsome fellow! Glad you think so, too. 😉 Good luck for finishing your fantasy novel! I would love to read it sometime.
Best wishes,
Brittany, Paul, & Yoda =^^=
Thank you so much! Appreciate your kind comment and support. I love your little =^^= !!!
I’m glad you were able to take Yoda with you. What an adventure you are having! Hope you have more happy memories than bad ones by the end of your stay there.
Hi Tippy & Tippys Mom! Thank you for sharing. We are very fortunate to be able to take our precious kitty with us on our long-stay travels! We will soon be leaving Kathmandu, actually. But the adventure does not end there. Yoda will be heading back to the US, but in a few months we will be packing up again to go live in The Netherlands! 🙂 Best wishes to you and your adorable adopted puppy.
We also will be moving shortly with our cat, but it will only be from Pennsylvania down to your North Carolina. Our Aggie Girl doesn’t take car rides very well so I may have to get something to make her sleepy most of the drive. Glad your traveling went okay and I wish you guys better luck in settling in 🙂
How lovely! I hope you enjoy the southern hospitality of NC. 🙂 Sending our best wishes to Aggie Girl, we hope she will have a smooth ride to her new home! If Yoda is hyperactive one day or restless in the car, we put his favorite cardboard box or little tent on the seat or floor where it is stable. That way he goes inside and feels secure and safe. Maybe this could help Aggie Girl without having to make her drowsy, as that could make her throw up or get sicker! In any case, best wishes to all of you and thank you for your support!
What an adventure for you all. Here’s hoping you have many more ahead.
Thank you very much 🙂 We are indeed looking forward to the adventures ahead!
traveling with my cat, the adventure begins . . . write a book on this. 😀
I am very wishful that one day I’ll write a book and get published. Thank you so much for your encouragement. 🙂
What a handsome travelling cat! You definitely have a book in the making, can’t wait to read further adventures!
You are so kind! Thank you for reading and for your support!! 🙂
Reblogged this on Rattiesforeverworldpresscom.
Thank you very much 🙂
You are a true blue wonderful cat mom!
You cannot see it, but your comment made me blush! I am a very proud cat mom ^^ Thank you! 😉
I had a cat named Merlin. We were together for 15 great years and he looked just like Yoda. From Yoda’s eyes I can see that he had a similar personality to Merlin. Glad you took him with you on the trip. In spite of all the problems you had, it was better that you were together. Enjoy!
How lovely, to share 15 years with your Merlin. I only hope Yoda has a long, healthy life like I imagine Merlin did. And I definitely agree, life with Yoda here was worth any trouble big or small. Thank you for sharing with us!
Merlin had a long and healthy life right up to the end for which I am happy. I wish you the best with your Yoda. He is a beauty!
Maybe next Yoda will hit up the Purrenese Meowntains or Pawstralia
Hehehe ^^ ya never know! Our Yoda is currently flying over the Pawcific Ocean! His next adventure will debut in August… destination: The Netherlands!
You should read North Into Night… Halifax the cat went with Alvah Simon to the Arctic.. True adventure.
I will definitely need to look that up! Sounds like an exciting read. Thanks!!
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