Mews: Shortest living domestic cat (height)

Hi everyone,

The Guinness World Records kindly gave us permission to repost some of their cat world records as part of their 2016 book which is available in stores!

Today we are looking at the Shortest living domestic cat (height):


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The shortest cat is Lilieput, a nine-year-old female munchkin cat, who measured 13.34 cm (5.25 in) from the floor to the shoulders on 19 July 2013, and is owned by Christel Young (USA) of Napa, California, USA.

All photo credit goes to the Guinness World Records.

We’ve seen plenty of munchkin cats in our cat cafe features in Japan! But Lillieput certainly looks a lot shorter. I always wonder how these little ones get on with their life as the normal activities can’t be easy for them! 🙁

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