Purrsday Poetry: Hair of the Cat

Hi everyone,

Please find below the latest entry in Purrsday Poetry by Ritu:

Cat hairs everywhere

Causing me true strife

Covering clothes and sofas

And pretty much my whole life!

I find them on and in the bed

Up and down the stairs

How one cat loses so much

Honestly, I find layers!

Do I take him to the groomer

Or tackle it at home?

One thing’s for sure, he will resist

I can’t do it alone!

But, you know I love him

And I’ll put up with all the moulting

Just no getting on the kitchen work tops

Cat hair in my food is revolting!
Ritu 2015


If you would like to enter your own poems for Purrsday Poetry don’t forget to email info@katzenworld.co.uk

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32 thoughts on “Purrsday Poetry: Hair of the Cat

  1. Noodle says:

    We had a lot more of my hair around the house before the humans got a Furminator!
    You could stuff pillows, really…

    Noodle and crew

  2. helentastic67 says:

    Sit on the floor each night and make it a ritual. Start with light sweepes of the brush & then before you know it there will be less on your plate & enough on the brush to knit a jumper! Cat-Jumper the new big thing!

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