Hi everyone,
Please find below the latest entry in Purrsday Poetry by Ritu:
Cat hairs everywhere
Causing me true strife
Covering clothes and sofas
And pretty much my whole life!
I find them on and in the bed
Up and down the stairs
How one cat loses so much
Honestly, I find layers!
Do I take him to the groomer
Or tackle it at home?
One thing’s for sure, he will resist
I can’t do it alone!
But, you know I love him
And I’ll put up with all the moulting
Just no getting on the kitchen work tops
Cat hair in my food is revolting!
Ritu 2015
If you would like to enter your own poems for Purrsday Poetry don’t forget to email info@katzenworld.co.uk –
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Very cute. I often wonder how much cat hair I ingest accidentally on a daily basis.
It’s a scary thought!
Lol! Tell me about it haha
My husband has stopped mentioning the one or two (ha!) stray cat hairs in the food….
Haha xD. Yeah they appear in the most random places lol
Lol!!! I find them everywhere!
Thanks Marc! Sonu Singh is thrilled to be featured again!
You are welcome :). Do let me know when you’ve got something else to re post. Or a tummy shot. ^^
I will do!!! Thanks again!
Reblogged this on But I Smile Anyway… and commented:
Sonu Singh and I were featured again!
My husband swears that he is going to be the first man in our county to die of a hairball thanks to our Himalayan cat, Max.
Lol!!! I think there are a few people who would be affected! !!
LOL :). You should enter max for tummy rub Tuesday or as a guest story btw. ^^
Thank you, Marc. I did enter Max about a year ago & you used the picture. He just turned 19 years old & is a sucker for a tummy rub or being brushed … & mostly he sleeps right through it.
He is always welcome back! ^^
I just opened my Reader and saw that sweet kitty face!
Lovely. Miss picking cat fur of everything.?
Are you planning to adopt another kitty? 🙂
Reblogged this on ravenhawks' magazine and commented:
No outfit is complete without cat hair.
Ahhh, cat hair is just life. I love the cat hair felt I peel off the dryer lint screen!
meow meow, cat hair? knit a sweater. LOL! =^”^=
We had a lot more of my hair around the house before the humans got a Furminator!
You could stuff pillows, really…
Noodle and crew
Oh god we had the same issue before the furminator!
Sit on the floor each night and make it a ritual. Start with light sweepes of the brush & then before you know it there will be less on your plate & enough on the brush to knit a jumper! Cat-Jumper the new big thing!
LOL so true