Purrsday Poetry: So-Fa Cat

Hi everyone,

Please find below the latest entry in Purrsday Poetry by One Among Many now blogging on Selective Thoughts:


She is so big I let her have its way

Just about killed me the other day

Got in her mind I was her toy

From now on I know what to avoid

Paws swiping, good missed me today

This lazy cat always on the couch

When not napping wandering about

There is a dog she loves to torment

He can’t get her, wrong side of the fence

Teases him, back to nap on the couch

If you would like to enter your own poems for Purrsday Poetry don’t forget to email info@katzenworld.co.uk

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30 thoughts on “Purrsday Poetry: So-Fa Cat

  1. dvaal says:

    When you think about it -cats are deadly killing machines. One this size, we could be gone in a heart beat. Scary -that our balls of fur -are that deadly -huh?

    • Marc-André says:

      LOL! That’s true. I once went to a tiger sanctuary and they had tigers that wanted belly rubs and cuddles like cats… I was like no way not going close to those paws!!!!

      • dvaal says:

        Good for you -some of them don’t come out so well. Better to stay on other side. However, I’m not so smart. I went to a photo session at a hunting store. You could have your picture taken with about a 4month old cub. My husband and I sat on both sides and before I stood up, I leaned over and kissed this cub on the jaw. I saw the owners jerk into action, but I was to quick. I was lucky, but animals trust me for some reason -so I forget fear. Pretty dumb, huh? But, what a thrill -I will hold onto.

        • Marc-André says:

          The sanctuary had loads of cuddly Cubs too. I was actually inside one of the areas with their tigers but really didn’t fancy taking up the Tigers invitation for a belly rub LOL

  2. lawjic says:

    This is excellent. I do have a cat like that. If she were not small, I would be her prey. She already thinks I am. I have the scars to prove it. Love the poem and the photo. Great job!

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