Your Friday Art Cat is Doing What?

Your Friday Art Cat  could be extremely bored. Or, maybe criticizing your choice of socks. Or, perhaps, just visiting the dentist.


What is the Friday Art Cat saying to you? I would love to hear your interpretations.

See more of my cats and art at Art is Not for Sissies. Thank you meowy much!


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20 thoughts on “Your Friday Art Cat is Doing What?

  1. Jill Kuhn says:

    “When is the snow going to melt?! I’m so tired of this cold weather. Where did that sun go anyway? I’m so tired of running through the house for exercise!” My cat is quite talkative! Lol! ????

  2. prior2001 says:

    Let’s see – the cat is looking up at its human – who is dangling a toy in a string – and art cat has been waiting all day to play – and opening the mouth and moving the law at the toy begins this bonding activity – cos for the next ten minutes joy will be I the air as the stringed toy provides some needed joy for both – ?

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