Purrsday Poetry: The Christmas Tree

Hi everyone,

Please find below the latest entry in Purrsday Poetry by Bernie Colley.

The Christmas Tree

The kittens gathered round to see
the Christmas tree arrive
they wondered what this thing could be
as it was carried up the drive

Once inside a pot was found
and filled with earth and sand
the tree was placed like in the ground
and left alone to stand

The kittens went to investigate
and sniffed and sneezed away
until the time to decorate
was once more under way

Tinsel wrapped around the tree
and balls of glittering light
fairy lights that they could see
were a fascinating sight

cat in tree

The mother cat warned them away
and said do not go near
or Santa will not come your way
her warning was quite clear

The kittens swore they would be good
as Christmas eve drew near
they curled up where the big clock stood
for he would soon be here

Outside the reindeer braved the cold
as Santa took the gifts in
and smiled down at the cats so bold
who weren’t supposed to see him

The mother cat left them alone
so they could see the reason
why Christmas time a cat at home
is part of the festive season

Copyright @ Bernie Colley 2015


If you would like to enter your own poems for Purrsday Poetry don’t forget to email info@katzenworld.co.uk

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