Oliver & Nubia: That’s a HUGE bag of food… :D

Hi Everyone,

Oli here! Our humans apparently appear to be thinking of getting another cat or an army of kittens?? I mean LOOK at this bag – I thought you were asking me to try a sample bag!

Nubia: I think they are just trying to tell you that you are a “Vielfrass” aka a pig.

Oliver: Hey now! I don’t eat that much… 🙁


Nubia: You do have a point though… This is huge! Hopefully it tastes nice. 😀


Oliver: What the bowl is still empty???


Nubia: Look! They put it in a bowl.


Oliver: Me first!


Nubia: Fine… I’ll let you go first! Vielfrass… 😛


Oliver: *Crunch crunch*


Oliver: Delicious! I may even let you have some sister…


Nubia: Well it shall be my turn now!!! 😀


Oliver: Can I have some more???

Nubia: *With full mouth* NO!


Nubia: *Licks mouth*


Nubia: Very nice…. but….


Nubia: … I appear to have crunchies stuck everywhere. 😀

Nubia: Time to pass over to the humans for their review of our food!

Thanks Nubia. 🙂

Burgess Adult Rich in Chicken with Duck is part of their cat food range which currently contains four different flavours. While the food does contain some grains it’ss rich in meat content to ensure that your cat gets the nutrients they need and of course ensures its high in protein!

The food also comes in their own “STAY-Clean TM” coating which helps your cat’s teeth to stay clean and therefore improve their overall dental health.

Overall verdict:
Burgess promises that their food is irresistible to your cat and we sure found that this was the case with our two! They didn’t even let us put down the bowl before they were all over it haha.

As many of you probably know though it’s not always about “did they like it the first time” but more about the second, third, fourth and subsequent times! On this front we are happy to report that we have been feeding this food as part of their regular diet (wet food in the mornings and dry food in the evenings) for over a month and they still love it as much as on the first day! 😀

We also like the fact that Burgess provides health and care tips for owners on their website to help out those that are new to caring for cats. 🙂

Their cat food can be found in independent pet shops as well as chains and provides a good alternative to the cheap supermarket brands without costing you a fortune.

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About Burgess:

The British Family Pet Experts

Burgess is an independent family run business based in Pickering. We are one of the UK’s leading pet food manufacturers, catering for the country’s top nine most popular pets including dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, hamsters, gerbils, rats and ferrets.

For generations, Burgess has produced the finest quality foods for people, pets and animals. Starting out as flour millers in the 17th century, the Burgess family moved into producing wholesome animal feeds in the early 1960’s.

Our in-house vet, Dr. Suzanne Moyes uses her nutritional expertise to enable us to nurture happy, healthy pets. We use only the finest natural and locally sourced ingredients for our pet food recipes.

The Burgess staff are completely passionate about animals with each of our 85 members of staff having an average of two pets each!

Meet the team and their pets

Burgess, A British Family Company


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35 thoughts on “Oliver & Nubia: That’s a HUGE bag of food… :D

  1. portapatetcormagis says:

    For being a Vielfraß Oli is in perfect shape 😉
    For the vocab list: Vielfraß means someone who eats a lot as well as the animal known as wolverine is called Vielfraß in German 🙂

  2. elliottstocks90 says:

    What wet food do you feed?

    I’d be interested to see a trial of raw food, comparing the most popular supplies (Natural Instinct vs Natures Menu for example).

    • Marc-André says:

      I currently feed them Canagan and applaws. Only meat no gravy etc. I have tried giving them raw chicken from the supermarket but they weren’t keen on it! I have started trying natural instinct freeze dried raw meat in the hopes to get them used to it tho. So we shall see. 😉

      • Life's Apprentice says:

        Try giving them organic chicken – they should bite your hand off. We are also moving over to raw and they are less demanding at meal times as they get so much more nutrition from it. Their coats are softer (if that’s possible) and they love it. We make our own from a recipe on the net.

        • Marc-André says:

          I already thought their coat was softer and shinier with Canagan :o. We tend to buy organic chicken for our roast dinner but haven’t been able to convince them to eat it raw or cooked… Maybe I should put it in a fake tin and see if that does the trick lol

  3. lawjic says:

    That IS one HUGE bag of food. No wonder the cats are “concerned”! That would feed a Rhodesian Ridgehound! If Kit Kat say THAT BAG, she would likely still rip it open and eat out of the middle, spilling all over. She still acts like a STARVING cat. She is still too feral for my tastes, but she is so CUTE and KITTEN-SIZED. I wish I could domesticate this monster. And, I am not kidding that a pint sized adult (kitten-sized) cat would tear that bag of food open and eat it……SHE IS BAT CRAZY. She thinks she is starving….Honestly, it’s sad, but the POST IS GREAT!

    No one has a way of getting into the cats’ heads (what are they thinking) than do you, Marc. Great post!

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